An Initiative by: INDU BLOOD BANK INDU STEM CELL BANK Donate Blood save life An Initiative by: INDU BLOOD BANK INDU STEM CELL BANK
Blood Components White blood cells Platelets Red blood cells
Facts about Blood Needs
Criterion for blood donation In order to ensure safe and health environment to both donors as well as recipients, we greatly recommend to follow the below rules: Donate blood, if you satisfy all of the following conditions You are between age group of 18-60 years. Your weight is 45 kgs or more. Your hemoglobin is 12.5 gm% minimum. Your last blood donation was 3 or more months earlier. You are healthy and have not suffered from malaria, typhoid or other transmissible disease in the recent past.
DO NOT donate blood, if you have any of the following conditions Cold / fever in the past 1 week. Under treatment with antibiotics or any other medication. Cardiac problems, hypertension, epilepsy, diabetes (on insulin therapy), history of cancer, chronic kidney or liver disease, bleeding tendencies, venereal disease etc. Major surgery in the last 6 months. Vaccination in the last 24 hours. Had a miscarriage in the last 6 months or have been pregnant / lactating in the last one year. Had fainting attacks during last donation. Have regularly received treatment with blood products. Shared a needle to inject drugs/ have history of drug addiction. Had sexual relations with different partners or with a high risk individual. Been tested positive for antibodies to HIV.
Why Donate Blood ?
Why should I become a regular donor ? There is scarcity of blood all round the year. The only source of blood is human beings. It is the social responsibility of a person to donate blood voluntarily.
Benefits of Blood donation IMPROVES HEART HEALTH Donating blood improves cardiovascular health. Donation helps shed excess iron from blood which decreases the chances of heart attack by 88 %. ENHANCES THE PRODUCTION OF NEW BLOOD CELLS After blood donation , donors body immediately begins to replenish the lost blood and new cells are formed within 48 hours. BURNS CALORIES 450 ml of blood (1 bag) burns 650 calories which improves fitness.
Benefits of Blood donation continued….. REDUCES RISK OF CANCER According to Miller-Keystone Blood Center, consistent blood donation lowers risk of cancer and is directly co-related to frequency of donation. FREE HEALTH SCREENING Before donating blood all the donors receives a free health check up and mini blood test like – blood grouping , Hemoglobin level etc. BRING JOY TO MANY When you donate blood , you impact not only the patient whose life is dependant on your donation but also his family. The entire community benefits from the spirit of generosity.
How frequently can I donate ? Any sideffects of Blood Donation ? Every 90 days for Blood Every 21 days for Platelets What should I eat after blood donation ? Any sideffects of Blood Donation ?
What is the process of blood donation ?
What does a Blood Bank do to my Donation? The blood collected from a donor is stored in a blood storage cabinet at 2-6 o C in CPDA for 35 days. Every blood unit collected is tested for HIV, Hepatitis B,Hepatitis C, Syphilis and Malaria. The blood collected from the donor, which is negative for above mentioned diseases is stored for further usage. Whole blood is then separated into its components like RCC(Red Cell Concentrate),PC(Platelet Concentrate),FFP(Fresh Frozen Plasma). This Optimizes the utilization of Blood and a single unit of blood can help 3-4 patients.
Rate chart Recovery of Processing charges for Blood & Blood Components are as follows Effective Date: 16/07/2014 As per Guideline Let. No. S. 12016/01/2012-form NACO (NBTC) Dated 12/02/2014 Govt. Of India- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Dept. Of AIDS Control & National Blood Transfusion Council 1200 1400 400 Type of Blood GOVT. HOSPITAL Non GOVT. HOSPITAL WHOLE BLOOD (WB) Rs.1200 Rs.1400 RED CELL CONCENTRATE (RCC) FP / FFP Rs.400 PRP / PC SPECIAL DISCOUNTS Rs.300 off for voluntary blood donors on WB and RCC only. FREE BLOOD Free blood for 1 year for voluntary card holders and their families. Free blood for Sickle cell,Haemophilac and Thalassemia children.
CONTACT DETAILS… IN-PERSON DONATION BLOOD DONATION CAMP DHRUTI SHAH : 9925627186 SNEHAL PATEL : 9825358506 TEJAL PATEL : 9925138654 3rd Floor Vinraj Plaza,Opp.Govt. Press,Kothi Char Rasta ,Vadodara Ph: (0265) 2437676,2411477