April 10, 2009 Outlook Tips & Tricks
Online Resources http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook Demos Webcasts Online Training Help
Online Resources www.youtube.com Video demos/training
QuickParts Easily insert frequently used email text Create new email message with text you want to save Highlight text Click “insert” / QuickParts / Save selection to . . .
Personal Folders Creating Personal Folders to store email off the Exchange server is a great way to save space and help with email slow down In Outlook go to the File menu, choose New, then Outlook Data File. Select Office Outlook Personal Folders File (.pst), click OK. Select your H: drive for the file location, click on the Outlook folder and click OK. You will be prompted to put in a name for your personal folder. Then click OK. Your new Personal folders will now be in the Outlook folder list.
Attachments Avoid sending attachments in internal emails – send a link to the file location instead Right click on the file you want to send, click “create shortcut” Right click on the shortcut, click “properties” Highlight and copy the information in the “target” field Paste this into your message as a hyperlink Delete the shortcut that you created Follow this same procedure for attachments in meeting requests NOTE: This will not work with outside recipients
Training The Human Resources office has vouchers for offsite training in all aspects of Office 2007 including Outlook through Kaplan
More Questions?? If you still have questions, contact IT at 6411 or sarah.lyon@wmitchell.edu. If I don’t have the answer, I can help you find someone who does.