Task 6. 2 - Cloud-based holistic knowledge Task 6.2 - Cloud-based holistic knowledge base & advanced monitoring layer Task goal: Global system architecture for : Sensors data model Premises data model (BIM) Web based user interface Task deliverable: “This task aims at implementing the common data model on which the FUSE-IT and components developed in this WP will rely on and, at implementing a software platform for smart storage and management of building operation data » (FPP) Specification, internal only
Task 6. 2 - Cloud-based holistic knowledge Task 6.2 - Cloud-based holistic knowledge base & advanced monitoring layer Ad hoc RAW memory REST API Endpoint communication adapters Smart building management system File BMS database (live AND historical data) FuseIT smart network layer Sensor federation Sensor Data model External data provider (weather, urban context, …) REST GET Protocols : - Alljoyn, (AllSeen Alliance) - ActiveMQ (Apache) Implementations : - SmartEngine (Sogeti) Implementations : - PCVue (ARCInfo) Advanced management & Optimization (MAS, forecast engine, …) Message queue (or stored back in BMS?) Performance requests & Predictions (XXX, CEA) Context : closing schedules, etc. Computed forecasts Concepts LD store BIM as LD Technical Management context Static model of the building Implementations: XXX (VTREEM) Building characteristics Smart security building management system SPARQL Implementation: Virtuoso SPARQL “correlator” (Smart security manager) (WP7.3) BIM BIM Rule engine Protocols : - IFC ICT logs CEP engine (?, VTREEM) Implementations : SimpleEventCorrelator XXX, TRT Rules & policies BIM Context Server Client Logic Front end WP6.4 security Front end (WP7.5) 3D GUI External GIS Database Implementations : - PCVue (ArcInfo) Implementations : - Cymerius, (Airbus) Implementations: - BIMXplore (VTREEM) - XXX (MOSBIT) (OpenStreetMap) Secure access
Task 6. 2 - Cloud-based holistic knowledge Task 6.2 - Cloud-based holistic knowledge base & advanced monitoring layer Ad hoc RAW memory REST API Endpoint communication adapters Smart building management system File BMS database (live AND historical data) FuseIT smart network layer Sensor federation Sensor Data model External data provider (weather, urban context, …) REST GET Protocols : - Alljoyn, (AllSeen Alliance) - ActiveMQ (Apache) Implementations : - SmartEngine (Sogeti) Implementations : - PCVue (ARCInfo) Advanced management & Optimization (MAS, forecast engine, …) Message queue (or stored back in BMS?) Performance requests & Predictions (XXX, CEA) Context : closing schedules, etc. Computed forecasts Concepts LD store BIM as LD Technical Management context Static model of the building Implementations: XXX (VTREEM) Building characteristics Smart security building management system SPARQL Implementation: Virtuoso SPARQL “correlator” (Smart security manager) (WP7.3) BIM BIM Rule engine Protocols : - IFC ICT logs CEP engine (?, VTREEM) Implementations : SimpleEventCorrelator XXX, TRT Rules & policies BIM Context Server Client Logic Front end WP6.4 security Front end (WP7.5) 3D GUI External GIS Database Implementations : - PCVue (ArcInfo) Implementations : - Cymerius, (Airbus) Implementations: - BIMXplore (VTREEM) - XXX (MOSBIT) (OpenStreetMap) Secure access
Task 6. 2 - Cloud-based holistic knowledge Task 6.2 - Cloud-based holistic knowledge base & advanced monitoring layer
Task 6. 2 - Cloud-based holistic knowledge Task 6.2 - Cloud-based holistic knowledge base & advanced monitoring layer
Task 6. 2 - Cloud-based holistic knowledge Task 6.2 - Cloud-based holistic knowledge base & advanced monitoring layer