Mid-Term Review Day 2
Topics 7: Cell Theory 23. Robert Hook = Discovered the first cells using early microscope 24. Schleiden and Schwann = helped format early cell theory (postulates 1 & 2) 25. Virchow = Helped form early cell theory (postulate 1) 26. 3 Postulates of Cell Theory 1. Cells come from other cells 2. Cell is the most basic unit of life 3. All living things are made of cells
Topic 8: Types of Cells 27. Prokaryotic cells = no nucleus, no membrane bound organelles, usually unicellular 28. Eukaryotic cells = have nucleus, membrane bound organelles, can be multicellular 29. Compare the two types of cells =
Topic 9: Organelles in cells 30. Know the functions of the following organelles a. Nucleus = Contains the DNA/Chromatin b. Nucleolus = Contains lots of DNA/makes ribosomes c. Cell membrane = Protects cell, cell transport barrier d. Cell wall = Rigid structure in plant/fungi cells, outside e. Golgi apparatus = Sorts and organizes proteins for delivery f. Lysosomes = Filled with enzymes for breakdown/recycling g. Vacuoles = Storage for cell (large in plants, small in animal) h. Vesicles = Transports substances inside of cell
Topic 9: Organelles in cells i. Rough ER = studded with ribosomes, makes proteins j. Smooth ER = makes lipids, no ribosomes, moves protein k. Mitochondria = makes energy in cell respiration (ATP) l. Chloroplasts = where photosynthesis occurs (plants) m. Cytoskeleton = protein framework to build cell on n. Cytoplasm = jelly-like interior of cell
Topic 9: Organelles in cells 31. Structure of the cell membrane – phospholipid bilayer – two layers of phospholipids - 32. Fluid mosaic model – many parts, moves freely. 33. Phospholipids = lipids that have a phosphate head and they make up most of the cell membrane. Polar head, non-polar tail
Topic 10: Transport in and out of cells 34. Passive transport = requires no energy – moves down concentration gradient (CG) a. Osmosis = movement of H2O down CG b. Diffusion = movement of solutes down CG c. Facilitated diffusion = use of protein pathways in membrane down CG 35. Active Transport = uses energy – moves up CG a. Endocytosis = items move INTO the cell b. Exocytosis = times move OUT of the cell
Topic 11: Microscopes 36. Types of microscopes a. Light = uses optical light to seen cells (low powered, might require staining) b. Electron scanning = very high power, uses beam of electron to bound electrons off surface (requires vacuum) c. Transmission electron = very high power, look through small objects (requires vacuum) d. Making a wet mount slide = add object, add water, add coverslip (done on light microscope)
End of Day 2