Safe but attractive. Vests How to personalize your bike accessories Nautreni Secondary school, Rogovka, Latvia, LV-4652 The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsibility for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project No. 2014-1-RO01-KA-201-002430
SAFETY VESTS DESCRIPTION A vest - a sleeveless piece of clothing that you wear on the top part of your body for a particular purposes - to keep warm, under jackets etc. A cycling safety vest is used for --protection, --visibility, --safety
An ideal safety vest.... A reflective vests with various reflective lines help you stand out from the crowd, warn approaching cars and keep safe Large, effective reflective patches increase visibility in fog, low-light conditions and pitch black darkness Suitable for both day and night visibility, The vests are usually designed with an x shape such that it hangs loosely on your chest without cramping up to 360 degree movement of your shoulders, They are lightweigt and made from only the best quality fabrics.
A quotation from the European Cycling Safety Standards, 2014 "When cycling you should always wear flourescent and reflective clothing to make sure other road users can see you. This includes high visibility vests with reflective elements". The statement has to be proved in this workshop: A safety vest is not a fashion statement. It is an essential life-saving piece of cycling equipment.
The plan to carry out A survey ( field work) to evaluate safety vests that are for sale A market study to find out bikers’ needs and desires about the vests, ( a questionnaire) Study of the new ideas about the vests design, embellishing Producing 3 new vest models Improving 3 models Describing methods used for the production Creating marketing strategy Selling the products
The task carrying out process evaluating vest offers, models, design on the internet market study brainstorming a questionnaire
Embellishing the existing models
Producing 3 new vest models
The results
For children’s safety
The products
What are the advantages of the created models ? Stylish Various With challenging accents With national accents Bright Unisex Individually/ family/age fitted Special visibility
Use the cycling safety vest! Stay safe and seen! The brighter, the better! Improve visibility! Stand out in the dark! Stand out your individuality! Enjoy your cycling process!
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