Do-Now Do-Now Copy Notes NO TALKING Anything written in red goes in your notebook. ( We will check and go over HW tomorrow!) Earth travels in a elliptical or football shape This means the Earth is different distances from the sun When the Earth is closest to the sun it is tilted away from the light giving us the winter. (Shorter days with less light)- Indirect rays of sunlight. The two days where neither hemisphere is pointed away or towards the sun is called an equinox. When the Earth is farthest away from the sun the Earth is tilted towards the sun giving us the summer (Longer days with more light) –direct rays of light.
Moon Phases Grade 6 Ms. Scillieri FUN FACTS Responsible for tides Has “seas” and “mountains” Same side of the moon always faces earth Takes 27.5 days to orbit around the earth, but because of the Earth rotation being slow a lunar month takes 30 days LET’S THINK Does the Moon Make it’s Own Light? Does the Moon have water on it’s surface?
How did the moon get here Form from the big bang Once part of Earth Floating in space Rogue planet What do you think? No the moon is not made of cheese!
Why we see, what we see? Waxing – when the light of the moon “grows” on the right side Waning – when the light of the moon “shrinks” on the left side The lunar phases results from the position of the Earth moon, and sun Since the moon does not make its on light the Earth reflects sun light onto the moon. Since the moon rotates slower the Earth, the Earth and Moon rarely line up and different amounts of light are reflected on the moon, always one side of the moon is never in the sun’s path and we cannot see it from Earth when it receives light.
Context Clues Crescent- when the moon is shaped like a sliver of an apple or crescent roll Gibbous- when the moon is ¾ of the way full or lit up. New- When the moon is receiving no reflected light from the Earth and dark Full- When the moon is bright and lit up! Quarter- when the moon is lit half way.
Motions of the Moon The moon revolves on an axis It orbits around the Earth. The changing relative positions of the moon, Earth, and sun cause the phases
What Moon Phase Is This? And… How Do You Know?
Waxing Crescent Light on the right. Less than half lit.
What Moon Phase Is This? And… How Do You Know?
Waning Gibbous Light on the left. More than half lit.
What Moon Phase Is This? And… How Do You Know?
New Moon No light visible Earth, Moon, and Sun practically in a straight line
What Moon Phase Is This? And… How Do You Know?
Waxing Gibbous Light on the right. More than half lit.
What Moon Phase Is This? And… How Do You Know?
First Quarter Light on The right. Exactly half lit.
What Moon Phase Is This? And… How Do You Know?
Waning Crescent Light on the left. Less than half lit.
What Moon Phase Is This? And… How Do You Know?
Third (Last) Quarter Light on right. Less than half lit.
What Moon Phase Is This? And… How Do You Know?
Full Moon Fully lit.
Can you see the “Man in the Moon?” The Real Full Moon Fully lit! Can you see the “Man in the Moon?”