IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Teacher’s Name: Sara Blankenship GLEs and Standards Covered (Include Descriptions): Identify and describe structural and functional differences among organelles (LS-H-A1) The student will conduct an investigation that includes multiple trials and record, organize and display data appropriately. (SI-H-A3) Use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and presentations of findings. (SI-H-A3) Task Overview Learning Objective(s) Suggested Technology Students create their own cell model and then post on blackboard in the discussion board. Other students will critique and comment on each students model. TLW create a cell model and upload to blackboard in a discussion board. TLW collaborate with their peers by critiquing each groups cell model on blackboard in the discussion board. desktop students complete a virtual lab from biology corner and then answer questions in their blackboard journal in groups. TLW complete a virtual lab on organelles and then post their post- lab questions in their journal on blackboard. Students play games with the vocabulary words in TLW play Quizlet vocabulary games on cell organelles. students fill in their notes by viewing a power point presentation on the cell. TLW understand and complete their notes from a power point presentation on the cell. iPad or desktop REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. transformation MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. enhancement SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change.
Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement Cell Organelle Notes Students fill in their notes by viewing a PowerPoint presentation on the cell. SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement Log into classroom Blackboard website. Click on the Biology link in the left hand corner. Click on Unit 2: The Cell folder. Click on Cell Theory and Organelles folder. Print out cell packet. Click on cell theory PowerPoint and complete “Basic Structure of a Cell” notes using the PowerPoint. This task uses: Blackboard Internet-connected device Learning Objective(s): Identify and describe structural and functional differences among organelles. (LS-H-A1) TLW understand and complete their notes from a power point presentation on the cell. Use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and presentations of findings. (SI-H-A3) TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Sara Blankenship/ School: Sam Houston High School Louisiana State Standard: Identify and describe structural and functional differences among organelles. (LS-H-A1) Grade Level/Subject: 9-12/Biology Special Directions/Considerations: desktop or iPad access Activity Evaluation: completion grade Prerequisites for students: log in to Blackboard.
A Cell Quizlet Log into classroom Blackboard website. Students play games with the vocabulary words in AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. Log into classroom Blackboard website. Click on the Biology link in the left hand corner. Click on Unit 2: The Cell folder. Click on Cell Theory and Organelles folder. Click on Cell Quizlet link. Practice playing vocabulary games. This task uses: Blackboard Internet-connected device Learning Objective(s): Identify and describe structural and functional differences among organelles. (LS-H-A1) TLW play Quizlet vocabulary games on cell organelles. Use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and presentations of findings. (SI-H-A3) TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Sara Blankenship/ School: Sam Houston High School Louisiana State Standard: Identify and describe structural and functional differences among organelles. (LS-H-A1) Grade Level/Subject: 9-12/Biology Special Directions/Considerations: desktop or iPad access. Quizlet link: Activity Evaluation: completion grade Prerequisites for students: log in to Blackboard,
significant task redesign. M Cell Virtual Lab Students complete a virtual lab from biology corner and then answer questions in their Blackboard journal in groups. MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign. Get into groups of two. Log into classroom Blackboard website. Click on the Biology link in the left hand corner. Click on Unit 2: The Cell folder. Click on Cell Theory and Organelles folder. Click on Virtual Cell Lab Print out “Plant Cell Lab Makeup” page with the pre-lab and post-lab questions. Complete pre-lab questions. Click on the blue link under procedures. Complete the virtual plant cell lab. Complete post-lab questions. Post the answers to your post-lab questions on Blackboard in your journal entitled “Virtual Plant Cell Lab Journal” in the Cell Theory and Organelles folder. This task uses: Blackboard Internet-connected device Learning Objective(s):Identify and describe structural and functional differences among organelles. (LS-H-A1) TLW complete a virtual lab on organelles and then post their post-lab questions in their journal on blackboard. The student will conduct an investigation that includes multiple trials and record, organize and display data appropriately. (SI-H-A3) Use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and presentations of findings. (SI-H-A3) TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Sara Blankenship/ School: Sam Houston High School Louisiana State Standard: Identify and describe structural and functional differences among organelles. (LS-H-A1) Grade Level/Subject: 9-12/Biology Special Directions/Considerations: desktop or ipad access, blackboard 201 class is required Virtual lab link: Activity Evaluation: completion grade Prerequisites for students: log in to Blackboard.
Cell Model Creation and Critique Students create their own cell model and then post on blackboard in the discussion board. Other students will critique and comment on each students model. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. Get into groups of two. Design your own cell model using Microsoft Word and the internet. Upload your document into the Discussion Board in the Cell Theory and Organelles folder entitled “Cell Model”. Collaborate, critique and comment all cell models that were uploaded to the discussion board with your partner. This task uses: Blackboard Internet-connected device Microsoft Word Learning Objective(s): Identify and describe structural and functional differences among organelles. (LS-H-A1) TLW create a cell model and upload to blackboard in a discussion board. TLW collaborate with their peers by critiquing each groups cell model on blackboard in the discussion board. Use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and presentations of findings. (SI-H-A3) TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Sara Blankenship/ School: Sam Houston High School Louisiana State Standard: Identify and describe structural and functional differences among organelles. (LS-H-A1) Grade Level/Subject: 9-12/Biology Special Directions/Considerations: desktop access, blackboard 201 access is required. Activity Evaluation: completion grade Prerequisites for students: log in to Blackboard, internet access