B.A II. English Elective By Jaspreet Kaur Metaphysical Poetry B.A II. English Elective By Jaspreet Kaur
Metaphysical Poetry The term first used by Dryden in his comment that Donne “affects the metaphysics.” Dr. Johnson extended the term “metaphysical” from Donne to a school of poets. The name now applied to a group of 17th Century poets who employ a similar poetic manner and imagery. (Donne, Marvell, Crashaw, Cowley, etc.)
Metaphysical Poetry… Sharply opposed to conventional poetic tradition of Elizabethan poets – sweet lyricism, rich melody, idealised view of love. Instead, rough give and take of actual speech. Usually in the form of an urgent/heated argument – with a reluctant mistress/friend/God/Death/poet himself.
Metaphysical Poetry… Realistic, ironic and sometimes cynical. Uses shock tactics especially in opening lines as in “Batter my heart…” Dramatic mode of direct address as in “Go and catch a falling star…” Rough idiom and rhythms as in “Busy old fool, unruly sun…”
Metaphysical Poetry… Looked for a connection between emotional and mental concepts. Relations perceived are logical reflecting a unified sensibility. Facts from science, geography, philosophy -apparently disparate elements – make a meaningful pattern.
Metaphysical Poetry… Use of conceits – hyperbolic, witty, far fetched comparisons employed to communicate an idea and to prove it. Use of paradoxes. Versification characterized by varied line lengths and rough meter.