Welcome to Second grade
About Mrs. Stahler Thirteen years teaching experience Married 19 years Two children, Matthew 17 & Annika 11 Words to describe me as a teacher: strict (but silly), caring, challenging, imperfect, open-minded
Our Relationship We are in this together; we are a team in your child’s success. High expectations yield high outcomes. Keep it positive. If you have questions please contact me first. Major upheavals may impact your child’s learning, please keep me informed. We will do our best to support open, honest, respectful and confidential communication.
A Typical Day In Second Grade Opening Exercises Reading/Language Arts/Writing/Spelling Special Lunch SSR or Weekly Reader I.E.(Intervention/Enrich- ment) Math Recess Science/Social Studies
Folders 1 yellow folder per student Communications from school. Homework will be given every Monday- Thursday. Tests/quizzes should be signed and returned the next day.
Homework Students copy homework each afternoon from the board in their planner Sign homework when complete and return the next day If an emergency comes up and homework is not completed, please let me know. Sports and extra-curricular activities are not emergencies. Homework not returned the next day will result in an automatic loss of recess.
Day Schedule Day 1- Physical Education Day 2- Technology Day 3-Music Day 4-Library Day 5-Art
Reader Accelerated http://www.arbookfind.com/UserType.aspx My goal is to encourage my students to become avid readers. After each book read, he/she will take a short 10 question Accelerated Reader comprehension computer quiz about the book. If score is 70% or above student will earn a book sticker for their “Ravenous Reader” card chart. When student successfully fills chart he/she earns a free book pick from the book order. Students should read AT LEAST 10 books per month. http://www.arbookfind.com/UserType.aspx
Book Reports Book reports begin in October and they correlate with the Pizza Hut Reading Incentive Program. One report is due each month. A rubric and book report form will be sent home at the beginning of each month. Students are encouraged to read books on their level for the reports.
Reading/Language Arts/Spelling/Writing Incorporated (all subjects taught from main Reading series with supplements added when needed. Homework will be assigned each day except for Friday. Tests will be given at the end of each story or Theme. Projects such as research papers and writings will be done in the course of each Theme. www.eduplace.com
Math enVisionMath https://www.pearsonsuccessnet.com/snpapp/iText/ getTeacherHomepage.do?newServiceId=6000&ne wPageId=10100 Common Core Standards Please be patient as we work through this first year together.
STAR/Study Island We will continue using the STAR program for benchmark testing and progress monitoring for all students. New this year is Study Island. It is taking the place of Compass Odyssey.
Student Reminders Be eager to participate Have homework completed and signed by a parent Always have necessary materials Give it your best Make positive decisions Study a little at a time, but often. The average human brain requires new information to be seen13 times before that information is transferred into long-term memory Use my website: http://mahoningele.com/
Grading Tests, quizzes, book reports, projects, homework and class participation will be averaged for each subject. One point is deducted for spelling errors when a word bank is included, an end mark is missing or a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence or a proper noun is not used. All graded assignments are written in the Homework notebook by your child. Please check his/her book each day.
Extra reminders to help make the year a good one Label ALL your child’s belongings. Many children have the same items your child has. This will ensure items are returned if misplaced. Now that we’re back to school, good habits for sleeping, eating and completing homework are essential to a successful school year. Lease contact me with any questions or concerns: kstahler@lehighton.org Homework will also be posted on my website: http://websites.pdesas.org/kstahler/default.aspx
Parent Reminders Check student’s work nightly and sign homework each night. Maintain a designated quiet homework time and space for your child. Help with homework and studying while still encouraging independence. Your parental support affects your child’s performance greatly. Have your child read before bed. Sometimes read with or to them, they are never too old to be read to. In addition, the left to right repetitive eye movement is a natural sleep inducer! Keep your child home when he/she is REALLY sick…BUT not in excess. There is a direct correlation between excessive absences and low achievement. After 9 absences you will need a doctor’s excuse each time your child is out thereafter. AM drop off time is no earlier than 8:10; PM pick up, parents may enter the building no earlier than 3 o’clock. Parents will not longer be able to be buzzed in before 3PM. Access Powerschool to view your student’s grades. Progress reports will be sent home halfway through each marking period. Access http://websites.pdesas.org/kstahler/default.aspx to verify your child’s homework assignments.
“Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” Robert Louis Stevenson
Proverbs to ponder… It takes a whole village to raise a child Proverbs to ponder… It takes a whole village to raise a child. (African proverb) Better to be safe than... punch a 5th grader. Strike while the... bug is close. It's always darkest before... daylight savings time. Never underestimate the power of... termites. Don't bite the hand that... looks dirty. You can't teach an old dog new... math. If you lie down with the dogs, you'll... stink in the morning.
Thank you for attending, Mrs. Kira Stahler The pen is mightier than the... pigs. An idle mind is... the best way to relax. Where there's smoke, there's... pollution. A penny saved is... not much. Two's company, three's... the Musketeers. Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and... you have to blow your nose. None are so blind as... Helen Keller. Children should be seen and not... spanked or grounded. If at first you don't succeed... get new batteries. When the blind leadeth the blind... get out of the way. There is no fool like... Aunt Eddie. Thank you for attending, Mrs. Kira Stahler