Newton’s 1st Law Note-sheet
Types of Motion Aristotle (Greek philosopher) thought there were two kinds of motion: Natural Motion – moving towards earth (or away) Violent Motion – imposed by motion/forces
The Copernican Revolution People thought that Earth was the center of the universe Copernicus decided that the earth moving like other bodies best described what he could see in the heavens. Published De Revolutionibus just before his death.
Galileo Supported Copernicus Demolished the idea that a force was necessary to keep a body in motion Galileo described how things move, not why they move Spent the last ten years of his life on house arrest. Sir Isaac Newton was born the year Galileo died
Newton’s Law’s of Physics Newton’s Three Laws of Motion First Law: Inertia = lazy!! A body in motion stays in motion at a constant speed unless acted upon by an outside force A body at rest wants to stay at rest unless an outside force acts upon it A force is required to begin motion and an equal and opposite force is necessary to stop the same motion A body in motion Does NOT require a constant force to stay in motion
Mass - A measure of Inertia Mass is not volume Mass is not weight Mass – the quantity of matter in an object A measure of inertia, or laziness an object has in response to an effort to move it One Kilogram weighs 9.8 Newtons (N) Weight = mass x gravity