The “Vision Thing” – Where Do We Go From Here ?? 4/19/2018 The “Vision Thing” – Where Do We Go From Here ?? Norm Linsky Mended Hearts Staff HP template
“There’s Someone I know….” 4/19/2018 “There’s Someone I know….” 10 a.m. 3 p.m. HP template
4/19/2018 HP template
4/19/2018 HP template
Mended Hearts / Mended Little Hearts 4/19/2018 Mended Hearts / Mended Little Hearts HP template
Summary: Six Practices for Success 4/19/2018 Summary: Six Practices for Success SERVE AND ADVOCATE PARTNER INSPIRE NETWORK ADAPT LEAD HP template
Practice #1: Serve and Advocate 4/19/2018 Practice #1: Serve and Advocate Advocacy: raise government/payor awareness, urge policy reform. NPO’s traditionally focused on services OR advocacy, not both. Service (support visits, education) our core mission & always will be. MH / MLH advo engagement essential. Non-partisan. Washington vs. state-level. Financial implications for you & MH. HP template
Practice #1: Serve and Advocate 4/19/2018 Practice #1: Serve and Advocate What do we advocate for ? Access to what you need, when you need it, affordably, based on you and your doctor. Never a more important time to engage. Fully non-partisan. Complements our core support programs. HP template
Practice #1: Serve and Advocate 4/19/2018 Practice #1: Serve and Advocate Good news: we are deeply engaged, and you are making a difference ! HP template
Practice #2: “Make Markets Work” 4/19/2018 Practice #2: “Make Markets Work” Great nonprofits find ways to work with businesses who want to ’do well while doing good.’ Our industry partnerships have been vital & mutually productive. The titles are changing: -Director, Social Impact -Director, Patient Advocacy -VP, Patient Outreach -Director, Pt Engagement Must broaden our donor base – how you can help. HP template
Practice #2: “Make Markets Work” 4/19/2018 Practice #2: “Make Markets Work” Three Options: Partner w/industry. Good news: we do! Corporate donations Early warning radar Strategic alliances with indiv companies & corp alliances Services-in-kind: training, advice, chapter presentations, PR Help transform business practices Earned-income business ventures. A longer-term ”stretch goal” HP template
Practice #3: “Inspire Evangelists” 4/19/2018 Practice #3: “Inspire Evangelists” Evangelists build and sustain strong communities to pursue shared mission. 11 staff, but 20,000 volunteers the key. This is your community. Good news: strong basis already exists. Proof ? You wanted annual conference. “I had the most amazing day today.” HP template
Practice #3: “Inspire Evangelists” 4/19/2018 YOU are the evangelists. Calls & emails inspiring us every day HP template
Practice #4: Network, Network, Network 4/19/2018 Practice #4: Network, Network, Network High-impact NPO’s build networks of nonprofits of good will, seek win-win. Partner “not because all are saints, but because it’s in their self-interest.” Grow the funding pie, equitable & businesslike arrangements. Share knowledge & workloads. Work in coalitions, expand voice. Advocacy a key example. HP template
Practice #5: Master the Art of Adaptation 4/19/2018 Practice #5: Master the Art of Adaptation The best NPO’s adapt, modify quickly. Respond to change via innovation. Mistakes happen; listen, learn, modify. Pace of change is dramatic: Scientific & medical Economic and political Technological Demographic One example among many: TAVR HP template
Practice #5: Master the Art of Adaptation 4/19/2018 Practice #5: Master the Art of Adaptation Good news: we have in many ways. Strengthen what we do well. Adapt where we need to. Focus on core competencies. Listen: externally, internally. Constantly improve, train, innovate. Constantly evaluate: market research. Financial environment changing at warp speed (e.g., IRS): risks, opportunities. Caveat: Consider what not to do. “Sometimes the best deal is the one you walk away from.” HP template
Practice #6: Leadership – A Round Table 4/19/2018 Practice #6: Leadership – A Round Table NPO’s with leadership teams that are in charge and share authority “in order to be a stronger focus for good.” A strength of the chapter-HQ model. Many different leadership styles -- no one correct model. Put the cause, the mission above self. Some NPO’s don’t. We do ! HP template
Practice #6: Leadership – Broad Involvement & Transparency 4/19/2018 Practice #6: Leadership – Broad Involvement & Transparency Build bench strength & succession. planning – volunteers and staff. Encourage longevity in the organization. Build a strategic and dedicated Board. Broad opportunities for committee service. Financial transparency & accountability. Encourage Board/volunteer/staff interaction. HP template
Summary: Six Practices for Success 4/19/2018 Summary: Six Practices for Success SERVE AND ADVOCATE PARTNER INSPIRE NETWORK ADAPT LEAD HP template
1946: That Was Then
2016: This Is Now !
Thank You For All You Do. ENJOY NASHVILLE ! 4/19/2018 Thank You For All You Do. ENJOY NASHVILLE ! HP template