Good Morning Place your bags under the dry erase board at the front left side of the room and be seated. Turn around and face the back ready for announcements. If you come in late, just have a seat. You may sign the tardy log and take care of your belongings AFTER announcements.
Administrative Office Technology & Business Software Applications September 19, 2017 TOPIC: Office Basics Bell Work: Where are you with your work? Write a 4-6 sentence paragraph (or more) and explain to me exactly what you have finished in regards to the BASICS lessons and the MSWord lessons. If you have not started the MSWord lessons, please tell me.
Administrative Office Technology & Business Software Applications September 19, 2017 TOPIC: Office Basics I will: use classroom procedures AOT: Work through MSOffice basics using the common features of 2016 Work through MSOffice Word Chapter 1 – Getting started with MS Word 2016 BSA: Create various Word documents for the 5 different businesses NO CELL PHONES!!!
AOT / BSA September 19, 2017 TOPIC: Office Basics Essential Question: How do you troubleshoot problems in MS Office? Standards: AOT: 15.0 – Demonstrate knowledge, skill, and application of information systems to accomplish job objectives and enhance workplace of performance. 18.0 – Use oral and written communication skills in creating, expressing and interpreting information and ideas. 19.0 – Solve problems using critical thinking skills, creativity and innovation. BSA: 30.0 – Use technology to increase administrative office support productivity and enhance workplace performance. 31.0 – Use information technology tools. 32.0 – Participate in administrative work-based learning experiences. Learning Goal: I will review the basics for MSOffice while keying documents using MSOffice 2016.
AOT/BSA Assignments – new dates AOT: BSA: September 19, 2017 TOPIC: Office Basics Assignments – new dates AOT: MSOffice Basics – Chapter 1: Lessons 1-7 – Due 9/7 Try it! (if needed) “Practice” is class work; “Apply” is a quiz End of Chapter Activities – Test MSOffice Word – Chapter 1: Lessons 1-10 – Due 9/28 BSA: Complete the advanced lessons in – Due 8/30 Word Specialist Projects 1-5 due 9/7 Projects 6-9 due 9/21
Digital Information Technology September 19, 2017 TOPIC: Keyboarding Lessons Bell Work: Write a 4-6 sentence paragraph (or more) to describe and explain business ethics. You may refer to your notes and/or eMarion.
Digital Information Technology September 19, 2017 TOPIC: Keyboarding Lessons I will: Improve my knowledge of the alphabetic keys Demonstrate the correct technique Use repetitive stress relievers as needed Review ethics in business NO CELL PHONES!!!
Digital Information Technology September 19, 2017 TOPIC: Keyboarding & Ethics Essential Question: What are ethics and how do ethics impact your work in digital information technology? Standards: 04.0 – Use technology to enhance the effectiveness of communication skills utilizing word processing applications. Develop an awareness of computer languages and software applications. Learning Goal: I will demonstrate the correct technique, use repetitive stress relievers as needed, key lessons in, and review ethics in business.
Digital Information Technology September 19, 2017 TOPIC: Keyboarding & Ethics Lessons through and including Beginner Wrap Up - DUE 9/28 or 9/29 eMarion Computer Ethics Review video Quiz Exit Ticket: What is an example of an ethical situation you may face at school and how should you handle it properly?
Grading Criteria 1. Eyes on Copy C 2. Use Correct Fingers F SKILL FAILED SKILL 1. Eyes on Copy C 2. Use Correct Fingers F 3. Wrists Up B 4. Posture Straight B 5. Elbows In B 6. Feet Flat B