UNIT II WEB PAGE BASICS & HTML Web 1.0 (Lecture) Content for users to access it brochure web One way traffic WEB 2.0 (Conversion) Users can organize, share & update Two way traffic , Social media (MySpace, Second life) You tube – site provides the platform Key technology to create web 2.0 application RIA (Rich Internet Application) – Desktop application(word processor) Tools in building RIA Abode flex Dojo Silver light
RIA Social Networking Sites First Gen web appltn GUI + Application logic (Web server) Second Gen web appltn GUI & Application Logic has been separated in Web server RIA GUI(browser) + Application logic (server – more CPU cycles) Developed – HTML 5 + Java Script + CSS 3 RSS feeds
COLLABORATION TOOLS 2/more work together to achieve a common goal Non-technological Flipchart post-it notes White board (Interactive White Board) Online collaboration tool Online calendars (Google calendar)