Geo-spatial Products, Services and Applications Satellite Data Based Geo-spatial Products, Services and Applications under National Hydrology Project National Remote Sensing Centre Indian Space Research Organization Dept. of Space, Govt. of India
Details of CPMU CPMU Formulation is cleared by ISRO internal Committee, shortly Officer Order is expected from Competent Authority CPMU consists of Project Director (PD) with Four (4) Deputy Project Directors (DPD) To execute the project activities, Eight (8) Principal Investigators are designated along with seven (7) co-investigators 16 Technical Scientists/Engineers and 11 Research Associates are being recruited to cater to the project activities Towards additional project activities (Satellite data products, High resolution digital elevation data, Geo-spatial Web services, Purchase & Finance management ) more than 10 Scientists/Officers are identified Further, Project Management Board is being constituted for periodic review and guidance of project activities, with representation from MoWR, RD&GR
Funds Received & Expenditure Financial Year Funds Received Expenditure 2016-17 -Nil- (Funds Received during 2017-18) 2017-18 2016-17 Funds Rs. 28.67 lakhs (Recd. During 1st week of Apr, 2017) Rs. 12.42 lakhs 2017-18 Funds To be received Rs. 1360.09 lakhs (AWP to be approved)
Major Procurement Items in PIP Item Code Item Name Procurement Method Amount (Rs. Lakhs) Remarks B1.2.01 High Resolution DEM for two river basin flood plains Direct Contracting 980.0 High Resolution DEM for 14000 sq. km of using ALTM B1.2.02 Medium Resolution Digital Elevation for Himalayan Region for 1 lakh sq. km 720.0 Medium Resolution DEM for One lakh per using Cartosat Stereo B1.2.03 Satellite Data Cost 470.8 Satellite data to be procured for NHP for various thematic applications B1.2.05 Field Experimentation & Out Sourcing Contracting / NCB 1190.0 Field equipment cost, Field experimentation cost, Outsourcing expenses cost B1.2.06 Hardware & Software Procurement NCB 1795.22 Hardware & Software to be procured for carrying out various studies and towards Capacity Building Training at NRSC
Major Procurement Items in AWP 2016-17 Item Code Item Name Amount (Rs. Lakhs) Status / Expenditure Method of Procurement Remarks B1.2.03 Satellite Data Cost 20.80 7.92 Direct Contracting Satellite data under procurement for large scale inventory of Glacial lakes/water bodies in Himalayan region
Major Procurement Items in AWP 2017-18 S. No. Tem Desription Item Code Amount in Rs. Lakhs Method of Procurement 1 High Resolution DEM B1.2.01 441.00 Direct 2 Satellite Data Cost B1.2.02 226.79 3 High-end Workstations (17) for Geo-spatial data analysis B1.2.05 89.25 NCB 4 Desktops (7 No.) and Laptops (5 No.) B1.2.06 12.60 5 High End Computer Servers - 4 No. B1.2.07 84.00 6 Network Access Storage - 325TB B1.2.08 215.25 7 Image Analysis (9) and Database Analysis (1) Software B1.2.09 58.80
Physical Progress and Status of Bid Documents S. No. Tem Desription Item Code Amount in Rs. Lakhs Method of Procurement Status 1 High Resolution DEM B1.2.01 441.00 Direct To be Initiated 2 Satellite Data Cost B1.2.02 226.79 3 High-end Workstations (17) for Geo-spatial data analysis B1.2.05 89.25 NCB 4 Desktops (7 No.) and Laptops (5 No.) B1.2.06 12.60 5 High End Computer Servers - 4 No. B1.2.07 84.00 6 Network Access Storage - 325TB B1.2.08 215.25 Floated 7 Image Analysis (9) and Database Analysis (1) Software B1.2.09 58.80
Status of Activities/Studies S. No. Project Activity Status 1 Real-time Operational Spatial Flood Early Warning System Development Initiated Actively working with CWC 2 Development of Satellite-based Regional Evaporative Flux Monitoring System for India Algorithm development in progress 3 Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) Risk Assessment High resolution satellite data procurement in progress Browsing of high resolution satellite data (IRS L4-MX) for entire Himalayas (450 nos.) Procurement of L4-MX initiated (130 nos already procured) 4 Development of spatial snowmelt runoff product in the Indian Himalayas Historical database integration in progress 5 Operational National Hydrological Modelling System for the entire Country Prototype is in place Database assimilation initiated
Status of Activities/Studies S. No. Project Activity Status 6 Satellite data based inputs for Irrigation Scheduling for a selected Irrigation Project command area Initiated Irrigation command area to be finalised 7 Operational hydrological drought services using remote sensing data Selected inputs data sets are available through WBIS 8 Customized RS & GIS Training and Capacity Building Training Calendar for 2017-18 released (Four Trainings scheduled) First One week Training completed (31 Jul – 04 Aug, 2017)
Status of Activities/Studies Glacial lakes Data Procured Spatial ET (Sample Data sets) 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 Water Balance Components
Status of Activities/Studies (contd..)
Other Activities Activity Status Status of Data Entry in E-SWIS Not Applicable Status of Hydromet Station Status of State WRIS
Status of Public Finance Management System (PFMS) ISRO is in the process of implementing PFMS Initiated integration of PFMS into existing FMS The process is in progress and once completed will adopted by all ISRO centers, including NRSC All payments are through Electronic Transfer at NRSC
Way Forward NRSC initiated all the project/study activities Project inception reports with execution plans are under preparation Three (3) Training programmes are scheduled during 2017-18 at NRSC Modalities are being worked out to share geo- spatial data procured/generated under NHP among the NHP Partners