αβγ The road to entrepreneurship: a survivor's guide DCYEA Workshop | Creating a business in Switzerland The road to entrepreneurship: a survivor's guide to working independently in Switzerland Frouke Gerbens ABG International – Education Management Solutions 29 September 2016 αβγ
ABG International - Education Management Solutions 578 K businesses 384 K micro businesses < 2 employees = 66% of all businesses 326 K independent workers raisons individuelles = 56% of all businesses In 2013, 33% of all new businesses created by women Source: Swiss Federal Statistical Office (OFS), 11.08.2015; figures for 2013 4/17/2018 1.5 M businesses 1.1 M one-man businesses may have employees = 73% of all businesses 828 K independent workers ZZP’ers = 55% of all businesses 36% of all independent workers are women Source: Dutch Central Statistics Bureau (CBS), 15.01.2015; figures for 2014 29.09.2016 ABG International - Education Management Solutions
The road to entrepreneurship Administration Develop your idea ABG International - Education Management Solutions 29.09.2016
The essential questions to ask What kind of business do I want to start? What type of product or service will I sell? How much will my product or service cost to produce? For which price will I sell my product or service? Where will I locate my business? How will I sell my product or service? (marketing plan) How much money will I need? (budgets & cash flow) ABG International - Education Management Solutions 29.09.2016
Analyse! Clients Market Competitors ABG International - Education Management Solutions 29.09.2016
Time to reflect Can I cope with pressure? Can I cope with uncertainty? Can my life partner cope with pressure and uncertainty? And more… ABG International - Education Management Solutions 29.09.2016
To launch your independent business in Switzerland 4/17/2018 To launch your independent business in Switzerland Mandatory: AVS - social insurance (Assurance vieillesse et survivant) Mandatory as of CHF 100,000 annual revenue generated in Switzerland: Commercial register VAT - value added tax ABG International - Education Management Solutions 29.09.2016
Useful websites www.ch.ch/en/becoming-self-employed www.startbiz.ch (EN, FR, DE, IT) www.kmu.admin.ch (FR, DE, IT) www.vd.ch (FR) www.cvci.ch (EN, FR, DE) ABG International - Education Management Solutions 29.09.2016
The things I love Autonomy Focus Flexibility Lack of politics ABG International - Education Management Solutions 29.09.2016
What I sometimes dislike ABG International - Education Management Solutions 29.09.2016
My challenges To avoid: focus on a single client To maintain: the network To do: website & social media To plan: pension To work on: you cannot do all alone ABG International - Education Management Solutions 29.09.2016
NPVZ Nederlandse Professionele Vrouwen Zwitserland: Netwerk van en voor Nederlandse dames professioneel actief in Zwitserland Durf, daadkracht, doorzettingsvermogen Uitwisselen van expertise en ervaringen Leidmotief: helpen en geholpen worden ABG International - Education Management Solutions 29.09.2016
NPVZ agenda | Locatie: Genève 13 oktober 2016 NPVZ lunch, 12:00 – 14:00 Professioneel overleven, groeien en bloeien in Zwitserland 8 december 2016 NPVZ kerstborrel, 18:30 – 21:00 Inspirerende boekentips voor een leerzaam 2017 2 maart 2017 NPVZ lunch, 12:00 – 14:00 Het geheim van effectief netwerken 8 juni 2017 NPVZ lunch, 12:00 – 14:00 Het glazen plafond – realiteit of mythe? ABG International - Education Management Solutions 29.09.2016
Launching your business will be easier… If you are considered to be an expert in your field If you have a few clients lined up If you have the financial reserves to survive for some time without income ABG International - Education Management Solutions 29.09.2016
ABG International - Education Management Solutions 29.09.2016
Contact information Frouke Gerbens ABG International Education Management Solutions chemin des Roches 23 1803 Chardonne - Switzerland office +41 21 922 3015 mobile +41 79 335 8490 frouke.gerbens@abg-edu.com αβγ ABG International - Education Management Solutions 29.09.2016