While you are waiting… Select a conference time Answer the pink paper Available dates and times are on the table Answer the pink paper Things to Know About My Child Answer the blue paper How well do you know your child? Find your child’s selfie on the wall outside Write a letter to your child
Mrs. Nesbitt’s Classroom Neshaminy Mission Statement Welcome to Mrs. Nesbitt’s Classroom Back to School Night 2017 – 2018 Neshaminy Mission Statement The Neshaminy community builds futures by empowering each child to become a productive citizen and a lifelong learner.
Typical 3rd Grade Day
Morning 8:55 – 9:30 Arrival Attendance/Lunch Count Collect Homework Morning Work Pledge/Announcements Morning Meeting
Win (What I Need) 9:30 – 10:00 Intervention Enrichment
Language Arts 10:00 – 10:45 and 11:25 – 12:25 Good Habits, Great Readers Balanced Literacy Shared Reading whole group instruction of reading strategies Guided Reading smaller groups based on the needs of students Writer’s Workshop Vocabulary & Grammar Workshop www.sadlierconnect.com
Specials 10:45 – 11:25 Day 1 – Music Day 2 – Computers Day 3 – Library Day 4 – Art Day 5 - Gym
Lunch/Recess 12:30 – 1:30 Yum Fun
Math 1:30 – 2:30 Math In Focus Concrete – Pictorial – Abstract www.thinkcentral.com Calendar Math IXL Math
Social Studies/Science 2:30 – 3:25 Social Studies Social Studies Alive Our Community and Beyond www.teachtci.com (Chrome or Firefox) Science Foss Earth Materials Structures of Life Physics of Sound
Homework Policy Homework Monday – Thursday Agenda Books/Behavior Calendar please initial each night If a family emergency interferes with the completion of homework, please send me a note or an email.
Progress Reports/Conferences We have 3 reporting periods Parent University is on September 19th at Maple Point. There is a session at 2:30 and at 6:00 to discuss the new progress reports Parent Teacher Conference is in November Progress reports are on Home Access
Standardized Testing CDT (Classroom Diagnostic Tool) Fall and Winter District Writing Assessments Narrative, Informational, and Opinion PSSA Language Arts and Math April 9th – 20th
Healthy Snacks Snack will be at 10:00 Please keep it healthy Water bottles are permitted (sports top only)
Miscellaneous Information Websites and Passwords Dismissal Change Absent Notes Supplies Scholastic Book Orders String Instruments Money Remind 101 app Contact Information jnesbitt@neshaminy.org Herbert Hoover 215-809-6340
Any Questions? Thank you for coming tonight and for all your Support.