JC Music Set Songs Set C
Salve Regina A prayer deidcated to the blessed virgin Mary set in Plainchant. Plainchant is the oldest form of church music It is sometimes known as Gregorian chant Words are usually in Latin.
Gregorian Chant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK5AohCMX0U
Modal Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcllhFHAuwU Modal Music is essentially starting a melody on a pitch of the scale and ending on that pitch too, you use the key signature but you don’t end on doh your doh shifts to what ever degree of the scale you have picked as your starting point. EG. C Major scale has C D E F G A B C IF YOU MAKE “D” THE DOH THE SCALE HAS NOW THE NOTES D E F G A B C D WITH THE KEY SIGNATURE OF C MAJOR NO SHARPS NO FLATS.
Musical Features of Salve Regina. Syllabic music. One note one syllable. Mellismas - decorating the melody. No regular beat like pop songs Free Rhythm Dotted notes indicate to lengthen the note. Monophonic unaccompanied music. Mood is religious and revernant. Tempo andante (walking pace)
Salve Regina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B91RUv2lI8
Test What is the mood of this song? What is the tonality of this song?Major/minor or modal.. Explain in as much detail as you can What is plainchant What is the Texture of this song? Is this song Syllabic or melismatic or both – explain your choice.
Art Songs A style of song where a poem is set to music by a known composer, it will have instrumental accompaniment, most likely piano or orchestra. The accompaniment will be like a duet and will most likely reflect the mood of the words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9ClvNQEc28
What do you hear? Using the following headings, analyze this song. Tonality, Mood, tempo, instruments, Melodic features, Rhythmic features and articulations, form. Groups of 2.
Caro Mio Ben Giuseppe Giordani 1753 - 1798 Tonality Major (D Major) does change key to A throughout Joyful mood Tempo slow and dignified Mezzo Soprano and orchestra sometimes piano. Form ABA Coda. Sequences Descending step motion Leaps and ornamentations. Pause marks on score find them. Slurs (connected fluid notes) Dotted rhythms.