Start Right at Valencia by Taking the Correct Math Class Math Paths at Valencia Start Right at Valencia by Taking the Correct Math Class
How to Find Your PERT Score PERT INFORMATION The Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (P.E.R.T.) is used to determine accurate course placement based on the student's skills and abilities. You can take the PERT placement exam at any Assessment Center even if you are exempt from taking developmental math courses. Your PERT score can help determine what to review prior to starting class. In addition, the score can direct you towards a developmental course that would be beneficial in strengthening your skills. How to Find Your PERT Score
How to Find Your PERT Score PERT INFORMATION The Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (P.E.R.T.) is used to determine accurate course placement based on the student's skills and abilities. You can take the PERT placement exam at any Assessment Center even if you are exempt from taking developmental math courses. Your PERT score can help determine what to review prior to starting class. In addition, the score can direct you towards a developmental course that would be beneficial in strengthening your skills. If you have taken the PERT, but are not yet a Valencia College student, see an Assessment Specialist in the Assessment Center. If you are a Valencia College student, see an advisor for your score or follow the directions here to view your scores in Atlas. How to Find Your PERT Score
PERT and Developmental Math Information You are EXEMPT from taking the PERT and Developmental Math if: You entered 9th grade in a Florida public school in 2003–2004 or thereafter and earned a standard Florida high school diploma; or You are serving as an active duty member of any branch of the United States Armed Services. You are REQUIRED to take the PERT placement exam if you are NOT exempt. Your PERT score will determine which, if any, developmental math course(s) you will be required to take.
PERT Math Information and Math Department Recommendations Assessment Score Placement PERT Math 50 – 95 MAT 0018C or MAT 0022C* 96 – 113 MAT 0028C or MAT 0022C* 96 or more MGF 1106 or STA 1001C 114 – 122 MAT 1033C 123 – 150 MAC 1105 or STA 2023 (Take CPT-I for possible higher placement.) * PERT scores Below 70: It is recommended that you take MAT0018C. * PERT scores Between 80 and 100: It is recommended that you take MAT0022C. * PERT scores Between 108 and 113: It is recommended that you take MAT0028C. If you have a PERT score between 70 and 80 OR 100 and 108 you should see an advisor. MAT0018C and MAT0028C are both half term courses with 6 hours of class time per week. MAT0022C is a full term course with 4 hours of class time per week.
Entry Testing Scores and Placement If you have ACT or SAT test scores, use the table below to determine what course you should start with or whether you should take the PERT. Assessment Score Placement ACT Mathematics 18 or less PERT Recommended if Not Exempt 19 – 20 MAT 1033C or STA 1001C or MGF 1106 21 or more MAC 1105 or STA 2023 (Take CPT-I for possible higher placement.) SAT Mathematics Taken Prior to March 1, 2016 430 or less 440 – 490 500 or more MAC 1105 or STA 2023 (Take CPT-I for possible higher placement.) Taken On or After March 1, 2016 23 or less 24 – 26 26.5 or more
Developmental Math Information MAT 0018C Developmental Math I Hover over a course for more information. MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II Test Scores Continue
Developmental Math Information MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I 3 Credits 1 lab hour PERT Score: 50 – 95 This is the first course in a college-preparatory, two-course sequence (MAT 0018C and MAT 0028C) designed to prepare students for MAT 1033C, Intermediate Algebra. This course emphasizes the fundamental mathematical operations with applications to beginning algebra. Significant time will be devoted to connections between mathematics and other academic disciplines and to applications outside educational settings. Minimum grade of C required for successful completion. This course does not apply towards mathematics requirements in general education or towards any associate degree. (Special fees apply.) MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II Test Scores Continue
Developmental Math Information MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined 4 Credits 1 lab hour PERT Score: 50 – 113 Pre-requisite: Appropriate score on an approved assessment. This college-preparatory course is designed to prepare students for MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra. Topics include sets, computations with decimals, percent, integer, operations with rational and polynomial expressions, solving linear equations and simplifying expressions, plan geometric figures and applications, graphic ordered pairs and lines and determining the intercepts of lines. Minimum grade of C required for successful completion. This course does not apply towards mathematics requirements in general education or towards any associate degree. (Special fees apply.) MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II Test Scores Continue
Developmental Math Information MAT 0028C Developmental Mathematics II 3 Credits 1 lab hour PERT Score: 96 – 113 Pre-requisite: Minimum grade of C in MAT 0018C or appropriate score on approved assessment. This college-preparatory course is designed to supplement the algebraic background of students prior to taking MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra. Topics include sets, fundamental operations with polynomials, linear equations and inequalities with applications, factoring and its use in algebra, introduction to graphing of linear equations, introduction to radicals, and use of calculators to enhance certain concepts. Minimum grade of C required for successful completion. This course does not apply towards mathematics requirements in general education or towards any associate degree. (Special fees apply.) MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II Test Scores Continue
What Degree Are You Pursuing at Valencia College? Click on a Degree Associate in Arts (AA) *For Transfer to a Bachelor’s Program Associate in Science (AS) Visit the Career Center for additional information.
Math Path for All Associate in Science (AS) Degrees MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I MAT 0028C Developmental Math II Developmental Credit OR STA 1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra STA 2023 Statistical Methods MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1105 College Algebra AND MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 2233 Calculus for Business STA 2023 Statistical Methods Click here for AS Degree information and Advising Back Finished
Math Path for All Associate in Science (AS) Degrees MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I MAT 0028C Developmental Math II Developmental Credit OR MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I PERT Score: 50 – 95 * PERT scores Below 70: It is recommended that you take MAT0018C. * PERT scores Between 80 and 100: It is recommended that you take MAT0022C. * PERT scores Between 108 and 113: It is recommended that you take MAT0028C. If you have a PERT score between 70 and 80 OR 100 and 108 you should see an advisor. MAT0018C and MAT0028C are both half term courses with 6 hours of class time per week. MAT0022C is a full term course with 4 hours of class time per week. Course Description STA 1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra STA 2023 Statistical Methods MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1105 College Algebra AND MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 2233 Calculus for Business STA 2023 Statistical Methods Click here for AS Degree information and Advising Back Finished
Math Path for All Associate in Science (AS) Degrees MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I MAT 0028C Developmental Math II Developmental Credit OR MAT 0028C Developmental Mathematics II PERT Score: 96 – 113 * PERT scores Below 70: It is recommended that you take MAT0018C. * PERT scores Between 80 and 100: It is recommended that you take MAT0022C. * PERT scores Between 108 and 113: It is recommended that you take MAT0028C. If you have a PERT score between 70 and 80 OR 100 and 108 you should see an advisor. MAT0018C and MAT0028C are both half term courses with 6 hours of class time per week. MAT0022C is a full term course with 4 hours of class time per week. Course Description STA 1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra STA 2023 Statistical Methods MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1105 College Algebra AND MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 2233 Calculus for Business STA 2023 Statistical Methods Click here for AS Degree information and Advising Back Finished
Math Path for All Associate in Science (AS) Degrees MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I MAT 0028C Developmental Math II Developmental Credit OR MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined PERT Score: 50 – 113 * PERT scores Below 70: It is recommended that you take MAT0018C. * PERT scores Between 80 and 100: It is recommended that you take MAT0022C. * PERT scores Between 108 and 113: It is recommended that you take MAT0028C. If you have a PERT score between 70 and 80 OR 100 and 108 you should see an advisor. MAT0018C and MAT0028C are both half term courses with 6 hours of class time per week. MAT0022C is a full term course with 4 hours of class time per week. Course Description STA 1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra STA 2023 Statistical Methods MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1105 College Algebra AND MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 2233 Calculus for Business STA 2023 Statistical Methods Click here for AS Degree information and Advising Back Finished
Math Path for All Associate in Science (AS) Degrees MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I MAT 0028C Developmental Math II Developmental Credit OR STA 1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning PERT Score: 96 or more ACT Score: 19 – 20 SAT Score: 440 – 490 SAT Score (redesign): 24 – 26 * This course carries general elective credit but does not satisfy either Gordon Rule or general education requirements. Course Description STA 1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra STA 2023 Statistical Methods MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1105 College Algebra AND MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 2233 Calculus for Business STA 2023 Statistical Methods Click here for AS Degree information and Advising Back Finished
Math Path for All Associate in Science (AS) Degrees MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I MAT 0028C Developmental Math II Developmental Credit OR STA 2023 Statistical Methods PERT Score: 123 – 150 ACT Score: 21 or higher SAT Score: 500 or higher SAT Score (redesign): 26.5 or higher Course Description STA 1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra STA 2023 Statistical Methods MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1105 College Algebra AND MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 2233 Calculus for Business STA 2023 Statistical Methods Click here for AS Degree information and Advising Back Finished
Math Path for All Associate in Science (AS) Degrees MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I MAT 0028C Developmental Math II Developmental Credit OR MGF 1106 College Mathematics PERT Score: 96 – 113 ACT Score: 19 – 20 SAT Score: 440 – 490 SAT Score (redesign): 24 – 26 * This course may be taken prior to STA 1001C, but it is recommended to be taken after STA 2023. CLEP Available Course Description STA 1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra STA 2023 Statistical Methods MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1105 College Algebra AND MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 2233 Calculus for Business STA 2023 Statistical Methods Click here for AS Degree information and Advising Back Finished
Math Path for All Associate in Science (AS) Degrees MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I MAT 0028C Developmental Math II Developmental Credit OR MGF 1106 College Mathematics PERT Score: 96 – 113 ACT Score: 19 – 20 SAT Score: 440 – 490 SAT Score (redesign): 24 – 26 CLEP Available Course Description STA 1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra STA 2023 Statistical Methods MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1105 College Algebra AND MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 2233 Calculus for Business STA 2023 Statistical Methods Click here for AS Degree information and Advising Back Finished
Math Path for All Associate in Science (AS) Degrees MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I MAT 0028C Developmental Math II Developmental Credit OR STA 1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra STA 2023 Statistical Methods MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1105 College Algebra MGF 1107 Math for the Liberal Arts Course Description AND MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 2233 Calculus for Business STA 2023 Statistical Methods Click here for AS Degree information and Advising Back Finished
Math Path for All Associate in Science (AS) Degrees MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I MAT 0028C Developmental Math II Developmental Credit OR MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra PERT Score: 114 – 122 ACT Score: 19 – 20 SAT Score: 440 – 490 SAT Score (redesign): 24 – 26 * This course carries general elective credit but does not satisfy either Gordon Rule nor general education requirements. Course Description STA 1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra STA 2023 Statistical Methods MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1105 College Algebra AND MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 2233 Calculus for Business STA 2023 Statistical Methods Click here for AS Degree information and Advising Back Finished
Math Path for All Associate in Science (AS) Degrees MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I MAT 0028C Developmental Math II Developmental Credit OR MAC 1105 College Algebra PERT Score: 123 – 150 ACT Score: 21 or higher SAT Score: 500 or higher SAT Score (redesign): 26.5 or higher CPT-I Score: 64 or less CLEP Available Course Description STA 1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra STA 2023 Statistical Methods MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1105 College Algebra AND MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 2233 Calculus for Business STA 2023 Statistical Methods Click here for AS Degree information and Advising Back Finished
Math Path for All Associate in Science (AS) Degrees MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I MAT 0028C Developmental Math II Developmental Credit OR MAC 2233 Calculus for Business CPT-I Score: 65 or more * It is recommended to take MAC 2233 before STA 2023 if taken separately. CLEP Available Course Description STA 1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra STA 2023 Statistical Methods MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1105 College Algebra AND MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 2233 Calculus for Business STA 2023 Statistical Methods Click here for AS Degree information and Advising Back Finished
Math Path for All Associate in Science (AS) Degrees MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I MAT 0028C Developmental Math II STA 2023 Statistical Methods PERT Score: 123 – 150 ACT Score: 21 or higher SAT Score: 500 or higher SAT Score (redesign): 26.5 or higher * It is recommended to take MAC 2233 before STA 2023 if taken separately. Course Description Developmental Credit OR STA 1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra STA 2023 Statistical Methods MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1105 College Algebra AND MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 2233 Calculus for Business STA 2023 Statistical Methods Click here for AS Degree information and Advising Back Finished
Your Major = Your Math Courses AA Degrees Your Major = Your Math Courses You can fulfill your MATH requirement for graduation with an AA degree from Valencia by taking any two (2) Gordon Rule math courses. Check with the College or University that will be awarding your Bachelor’s degree for specific math courses they require as part of your degree. Click here to learn about the various math paths. Back
Your Major = Your Math Courses AA Degrees Your Major = Your Math Courses State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.030, the Gordon Rule, requires that students complete with grades of C or better 12 credits in designated courses in which the student is required to demonstrate college-level writing skills through multiple assignments and six credits of mathematics course work at the level of college algebra or higher. These courses must be completed successfully (grades of C or better) prior to the receipt of an A.A. degree and prior to entry into the upper division of a Florida public university. You can fulfill your MATH requirement for graduation with an AA degree from Valencia by taking any two (2) Gordon Rule math courses. You should check with the College or University that will be awarding your Bachelor’s degree for specific math courses they require as part of your degree. Click here to learn about the various math paths. Back
Which AA Degree Math Path Are You Pursuing? Algebra Path STEM Majors in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Business Statistics Path Majors Which Primarily Require Statistics Liberal Arts Path Majors With No Specific Math Requirement General Studies Path Visit the Career Center for additional information. Back Finished
Hover over a course for more information. STEM Path MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra Hover over a course for more information. MAC 1105 College Algebra MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra AND MAC 1114 College Trigonometry MAC 2311 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I MAC 2312 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II MAC 2313 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III MAP 2302 Differential Equations Back Finished
STEM Path OR MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I PERT Score: 50 – 95 Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I PERT Score: 50 – 95 * PERT scores Below 70: It is recommended that you take MAT0018C. * PERT scores Between 80 and 100: It is recommended that you take MAT0022C. * PERT scores Between 108 and 113: It is recommended that you take MAT0028C. If you have a PERT score between 70 and 80 OR 100 and 108 you should see an advisor. MAT0018C and MAT0028C are both half term courses with 6 hours of class time per week. MAT0022C is a full term course with 4 hours of class time per week. Course Description MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra AND MAC 1114 College Trigonometry MAC 2311 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I MAC 2312 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II MAC 2313 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III MAP 2302 Differential Equations Back Finished
STEM Path OR MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined PERT Score: 50 – 113 * PERT scores Below 70: It is recommended that you take MAT0018C. * PERT scores Between 80 and 100: It is recommended that you take MAT0022C. * PERT scores Between 108 and 113: It is recommended that you take MAT0028C. If you have a PERT score between 70 and 80 OR 100 and 108 you should see an advisor. MAT0018C and MAT0028C are both half term courses with 6 hours of class time per week. MAT0022C is a full term course with 4 hours of class time per week. Course Description MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra AND MAC 1114 College Trigonometry MAC 2311 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I MAC 2312 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II MAC 2313 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III MAP 2302 Differential Equations Back Finished
STEM Path OR MAT 0028C Developmental Mathematics II Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 0028C Developmental Mathematics II PERT Score: 96 – 113 * PERT scores Below 70: It is recommended that you take MAT0018C. * PERT scores Between 80 and 100: It is recommended that you take MAT0022C. * PERT scores Between 108 and 113: It is recommended that you take MAT0028C. If you have a PERT score between 70 and 80 OR 100 and 108 you should see an advisor. MAT0018C and MAT0028C are both half term courses with 6 hours of class time per week. MAT0022C is a full term course with 4 hours of class time per week. Course Description MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra AND MAC 1114 College Trigonometry MAC 2311 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I MAC 2312 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II MAC 2313 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III MAP 2302 Differential Equations Back Finished
STEM Path OR MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra PERT Score: 114 – 122 Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra PERT Score: 114 – 122 ACT Score: 19 – 20 SAT Score: 440 – 490 SAT Score (redesign): 24 – 26 * This course carries general elective credit but does not satisfy either Gordon Rule nor general education requirements. Course Description MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra AND MAC 1114 College Trigonometry MAC 2311 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I MAC 2312 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II MAC 2313 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III MAP 2302 Differential Equations Back Finished
STEM Path OR MAC 1105 College Algebra PERT Score: 123 – 150 MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAC 1105 College Algebra PERT Score: 123 – 150 ACT Score: 21 or higher SAT Score: 500 or higher SAT Score (redesign): 26.5 or higher CPT-I Score: 64 or less CLEP Available Course Description MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra AND MAC 1114 College Trigonometry MAC 2311 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I MAC 2312 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II MAC 2313 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III MAP 2302 Differential Equations Back Finished
STEM Path OR MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra CPT-I Score: 65 or more MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra CPT-I Score: 65 or more * It is recommended to take MAC 1140 before MAC 1114 if taken separately. CLEP Available Course Description MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra AND MAC 1114 College Trigonometry MAC 2311 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I MAC 2312 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II MAC 2313 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III MAP 2302 Differential Equations Back Finished
STEM Path OR MAC 1114 College Trigonometry CPT-I Score: 65 or more MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAC 1114 College Trigonometry CPT-I Score: 65 or more * It is recommended to take MAC 1140 before MAC 1114 if taken separately. Course Description MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra AND MAC 1114 College Trigonometry MAC 2311 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I MAC 2312 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II MAC 2313 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III MAP 2302 Differential Equations Back Finished
STEM Path OR MAC 2311 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAC 2311 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I CPT-I Score: 89 or more Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in BOTH MAC 1140 and MAC 1114 * It is recommended the entire calculus sequence be completed at the same institution. Course Description MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra AND MAC 1114 College Trigonometry MAC 2311 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I MAC 2312 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II MAC 2313 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III MAP 2302 Differential Equations Back Finished
STEM Path OR MAC 2312 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAC 2312 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II * It is recommended the entire calculus sequence be completed at the same institution. Course Description MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra AND MAC 1114 College Trigonometry MAC 2311 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I MAC 2312 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II MAC 2313 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III MAP 2302 Differential Equations Back Finished
STEM Path OR MAC 2313 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAC 2313 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III * It is recommended the entire calculus sequence be completed at the same institution. Course Description MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra AND MAC 1114 College Trigonometry MAC 2311 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I MAC 2312 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II MAC 2313 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III MAP 2302 Differential Equations Back Finished
STEM Path OR MAP 2302 Differential Equations MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAP 2302 Differential Equations * This course may be taken with MAC 2313 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III with department approval. Course Description MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra AND MAC 1114 College Trigonometry MAC 2311 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I MAC 2312 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II MAC 2313 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III MAP 2302 Differential Equations Back Finished
Hover over a course for more information. Business Path MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II Hover over a course for more information. MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MAC 2233 Calculus for Business AND STA 2023 Statistical Methods Back Finished
Developmental Mathematics Combined Business Path MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I PERT Score: 50 – 95 * PERT scores Below 70: It is recommended that you take MAT0018C. * PERT scores Between 80 and 100: It is recommended that you take MAT0022C. * PERT scores Between 108 and 113: It is recommended that you take MAT0028C. If you have a PERT score between 70 and 80 OR 100 and 108 you should see an advisor. MAT0018C and MAT0028C are both half term courses with 6 hours of class time per week. MAT0022C is a full term course with 4 hours of class time per week. Course Description OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MAC 2233 Calculus for Business AND STA 2023 Statistical Methods Back Finished
Developmental Mathematics Combined Business Path MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined PERT Score: 50 – 113 * PERT scores Below 70: It is recommended that you take MAT0018C. * PERT scores Between 80 and 100: It is recommended that you take MAT0022C. * PERT scores Between 108 and 113: It is recommended that you take MAT0028C. If you have a PERT score between 70 and 80 OR 100 and 108 you should see an advisor. MAT0018C and MAT0028C are both half term courses with 6 hours of class time per week. MAT0022C is a full term course with 4 hours of class time per week. Course Description OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MAC 2233 Calculus for Business AND STA 2023 Statistical Methods Back Finished
Developmental Mathematics Combined Business Path MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAT 0028C Developmental Mathematics II PERT Score: 96 – 113 * PERT scores Below 70: It is recommended that you take MAT0018C. * PERT scores Between 80 and 100: It is recommended that you take MAT0022C. * PERT scores Between 108 and 113: It is recommended that you take MAT0028C. If you have a PERT score between 70 and 80 OR 100 and 108 you should see an advisor. MAT0018C and MAT0028C are both half term courses with 6 hours of class time per week. MAT0022C is a full term course with 4 hours of class time per week. Course Description OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MAC 2233 Calculus for Business AND STA 2023 Statistical Methods Back Finished
Developmental Mathematics Combined Business Path MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra PERT Score: 114 – 122 ACT Score: 19 – 20 SAT Score: 440 – 490 SAT Score (redesign): 24 – 26 * This course carries general elective credit but does not satisfy either Gordon Rule nor general education requirements. Course Description OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MAC 2233 Calculus for Business AND STA 2023 Statistical Methods Back Finished
Developmental Mathematics Combined Business Path MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAC 1105 College Algebra PERT Score: 123 – 150 ACT Score: 21 or higher SAT Score: 500 or higher SAT Score (redesign): 26.5 or higher CPT-I Score: 64 or less CLEP Available Course Description OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MAC 2233 Calculus for Business AND STA 2023 Statistical Methods Back Finished
Developmental Mathematics Combined Business Path MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAC 2233 Calculus for Business CPT-I Score: 65 or more * It is recommended to take MAC 2233 before STA 2023 if taken separately. CLEP Available Course Description OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MAC 2233 Calculus for Business AND STA 2023 Statistical Methods Back Finished
Developmental Mathematics Combined Business Path MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined STA 2023 Statistical Methods PERT Score: 123 – 150 ACT Score: 21 or higher SAT Score: 500 or higher SAT Score (redesign): 26.5 or higher * It is recommended to take MAC 2233 before STA 2023 if taken separately. Course Description OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MAC 2233 Calculus for Business AND STA 2023 Statistical Methods Back Finished
Hover over a course for more information. Statistics Path MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I Hover over a course for more information. STA 1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning STA 2023 Statistical Methods MGF 1106 College Mathematics Back Finished
Statistics Path MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I MAT 0018C PERT Score: 50 – 95 * PERT scores Below 70: It is recommended that you take MAT0018C. * PERT scores Between 80 and 100: It is recommended that you take MAT0022C. * PERT scores Between 108 and 113: It is recommended that you take MAT0028C. If you have a PERT score between 70 and 80 OR 100 and 108 you should see an advisor. MAT0018C and MAT0028C are both half term courses with 6 hours of class time per week. MAT0022C is a full term course with 4 hours of class time per week. Course Description MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I STA 1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning STA 2023 Statistical Methods MGF 1106 College Mathematics Back Finished
Statistics Path STA 1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I STA 1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning PERT Score: 96 or more ACT Score: 19 – 20 SAT Score: 440 – 490 SAT Score (redesign): 24 – 26 Course Description STA 1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning STA 2023 Statistical Methods MGF 1106 College Mathematics Back Finished
Statistics Path STA 2023 Statistical Methods MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I STA 2023 Statistical Methods PERT Score: 123 – 150 ACT Score: 21 or higher SAT Score: 500 or higher SAT Score (redesign): 26.5 or higher Course Description STA 1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning STA 2023 Statistical Methods MGF 1106 College Mathematics Back Finished
Statistics Path MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I MGF 1106 College Mathematics PERT Score: 96 – 113 ACT Score: 19 – 20 SAT Score: 440 – 490 SAT Score (redesign): 24 – 26 * This course may be taken prior to STA 1001C, but it is recommended to be taken after STA 2023. CLEP Available Course Description STA 1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning STA 2023 Statistical Methods MGF 1106 College Mathematics Back Finished
Hover over a course for more information. Liberal Arts Path MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I Hover over a course for more information. MGF 1106 College Mathematics MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts Back Finished
Developmental Mathematics I Liberal Arts Path MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I PERT Score: 50 – 95 * PERT scores Below 70: It is recommended that you take MAT0018C. * PERT scores Between 80 and 100: It is recommended that you take MAT0022C. * PERT scores Between 108 and 113: It is recommended that you take MAT0028C. If you have a PERT score between 70 and 80 OR 100 and 108 you should see an advisor. MAT0018C and MAT0028C are both half term courses with 6 hours of class time per week. MAT0022C is a full term course with 4 hours of class time per week. Course Description MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I MGF 1106 College Mathematics MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts Back Finished
Developmental Mathematics I Liberal Arts Path MGF 1106 College Mathematics PERT Score: 96 – 113 ACT Score: 19 – 20 SAT Score: 440 – 490 SAT Score (redesign): 24 – 26 CLEP Available Course Description MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I MGF 1106 College Mathematics MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts Back Finished
Developmental Mathematics I Liberal Arts Path MGF 1107 Math for the Liberal Arts Course Description MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I MGF 1106 College Mathematics MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts Back Finished
Math Path for General Studies MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II Hover over a course for more information. MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra Choose One More Course MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1114 College Trigonometry STA 2023 Statistical Methods MAC 2233 Calculus for Business Back Finished
Math Path for General Studies MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAT 0018C Developmental Mathematics I PERT Score: 50 – 95 * PERT scores Below 70: It is recommended that you take MAT0018C. * PERT scores Between 80 and 100: It is recommended that you take MAT0022C. * PERT scores Between 108 and 113: It is recommended that you take MAT0028C. If you have a PERT score between 70 and 80 OR 100 and 108 you should see an advisor. MAT0018C and MAT0028C are both half term courses with 6 hours of class time per week. MAT0022C is a full term course with 4 hours of class time per week. Course Description OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra Choose One More Course MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1114 College Trigonometry STA 2023 Statistical Methods MAC 2233 Calculus for Business Back Finished
Math Path for General Studies MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined PERT Score: 50 – 113 * PERT scores Below 70: It is recommended that you take MAT0018C. * PERT scores Between 80 and 100: It is recommended that you take MAT0022C. * PERT scores Between 108 and 113: It is recommended that you take MAT0028C. If you have a PERT score between 70 and 80 OR 100 and 108 you should see an advisor. MAT0018C and MAT0028C are both half term courses with 6 hours of class time per week. MAT0022C is a full term course with 4 hours of class time per week. Course Description OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra Choose One More Course MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1114 College Trigonometry STA 2023 Statistical Methods MAC 2233 Calculus for Business Back Finished
Math Path for General Studies MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined MAT 0028C Developmental Mathematics II PERT Score: 96 – 113 * PERT scores Below 70: It is recommended that you take MAT0018C. * PERT scores Between 80 and 100: It is recommended that you take MAT0022C. * PERT scores Between 108 and 113: It is recommended that you take MAT0028C. If you have a PERT score between 70 and 80 OR 100 and 108 you should see an advisor. MAT0018C and MAT0028C are both half term courses with 6 hours of class time per week. MAT0022C is a full term course with 4 hours of class time per week. Course Description OR MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra Choose One More Course MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1114 College Trigonometry STA 2023 Statistical Methods MAC 2233 Calculus for Business Back Finished
Math Path for General Studies MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra PERT Score: 114 – 122 ACT Score: 19 – 20 SAT Score: 440 – 490 SAT Score (redesign): 24 – 26 * This course carries general elective credit but does not satisfy either Gordon Rule nor general education requirements. Course Description MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra Choose One More Course MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1114 College Trigonometry STA 2023 Statistical Methods MAC 2233 Calculus for Business Back Finished
Math Path for General Studies MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAC 1105 College Algebra PERT Score: 123 – 150 ACT Score: 21 or higher SAT Score: 500 or higher SAT Score (redesign): 26.5 or higher CPT-I Score: 64 or less CLEP Available Course Description MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra Choose One More Course MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1114 College Trigonometry STA 2023 Statistical Methods MAC 2233 Calculus for Business Back Finished
Math Path for General Studies MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MGF 1106 College Mathematics PERT Score: 96 – 113 ACT Score: 19 – 20 SAT Score: 440 – 490 SAT Score (redesign): 24 – 26 CLEP Available Course Description MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra Choose One More Course MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1114 College Trigonometry STA 2023 Statistical Methods MAC 2233 Calculus for Business Back Finished
Math Path for General Studies MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MGF 1107 Math for the Liberal Arts Course Description MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra Choose One More Course MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1114 College Trigonometry STA 2023 Statistical Methods MAC 2233 Calculus for Business Back Finished
Math Path for General Studies MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR STA 2023 Statistical Methods PERT Score: 123 – 150 ACT Score: 21 or higher SAT Score: 500 or higher SAT Score (redesign): 26.5 or higher Course Description MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra Choose One More Course MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1114 College Trigonometry STA 2023 Statistical Methods MAC 2233 Calculus for Business Back Finished
Math Path for General Studies MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAC 2233 Calculus for Business CPT-I Score: 65 or more CLEP Available Course Description MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra Choose One More Course MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1114 College Trigonometry STA 2023 Statistical Methods MAC 2233 Calculus for Business Back Finished
Math Path for General Studies MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAC 1114 College Trigonometry CPT-I Score: 65 or more Course Description MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra Choose One More Course MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1114 College Trigonometry STA 2023 Statistical Methods MAC 2233 Calculus for Business Back Finished
Math Path for General Studies MAT 0018C Developmental Math I MAT 0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined OR MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra CPT-I Score: 65 or more CLEP Available Course Description MAT 0028C Developmental Math II MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra MAC 1105 College Algebra MGF 1106 College Mathematics MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra Choose One More Course MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts MAC 1114 College Trigonometry STA 2023 Statistical Methods MAC 2233 Calculus for Business Back Finished
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