CODE2 The Cogeneration Observatory and Dissemination Europe Programme 6th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE “ENERGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE CODE2 The Cogeneration Observatory and Dissemination Europe Programme Theodore Chronis Researcher HACHP Athens, 11 October 2013
HELLENIC ASSOCIATION FOR COGENERATION OF HEAT AND POWER Background CODE 2 is the continuation of a successful CODE project (2008-2011), that drew attention to the economic and technical potential of Cogeneration of Heat and Power in the 27 EU Member States, for the first time, and presented a “EU Roadmap for CHP to 2050” HELLENIC ASSOCIATION FOR COGENERATION OF HEAT AND POWER
Introduction: CODE2 Co-funded by the European Commission, Under the Intelligent Energy Europe – IEE CODE2 project started on 1st July 2012 and will finish 31st December 2014 HELLENIC ASSOCIATION FOR COGENERATION OF HEAT AND POWER
HELLENIC ASSOCIATION FOR COGENERATION OF HEAT AND POWER CODE2 CODE2 will develop 27 National Cogeneration Roadmaps and one European Cogeneration Roadmap These roadmaps will be built on the experience of the previous CODE project ( HELLENIC ASSOCIATION FOR COGENERATION OF HEAT AND POWER
HELLENIC ASSOCIATION FOR COGENERATION OF HEAT AND POWER CODE2 Close interaction with the policy-makers, industry and civil society through research and workshops Provide a better understanding of key markets, policy interactions around cogeneration and acceleration of cogeneration penetration into industry HELLENIC ASSOCIATION FOR COGENERATION OF HEAT AND POWER
CODE2 Adding a bio-energy CHP and micro-CHP (up to 50 kWe) analysis to the Member State projections for Cogeneration of Heat and Power to 2020 Propose a concrete route to realizing Europe’s cogeneration potential HELLENIC ASSOCIATION FOR COGENERATION OF HEAT AND POWER
HELLENIC ASSOCIATION FOR COGENERATION OF HEAT AND POWER Target groups EU and national policymakers and decision-makers, including wider influencer groups Potential and existing users of cogeneration, including all capacities of cogeneration. The main focus throughout the project will be to reach the food/drink, paper and hotel sector as well as SMEs HELLENIC ASSOCIATION FOR COGENERATION OF HEAT AND POWER
HELLENIC ASSOCIATION FOR COGENERATION OF HEAT AND POWER Target groups Local and regional energy agencies in Europe that support the introduction of good energy management practices Cogeneration equipment manufacturers and suppliers who seek to grow and strengthen the industry and its supply chain HELLENIC ASSOCIATION FOR COGENERATION OF HEAT AND POWER
HELLENIC ASSOCIATION FOR COGENERATION OF HEAT AND POWER Project outcomes Development of 27 individualized National Cogeneration Roadmaps. HACHP is responsible for SE Europe and has already prepared the Roadmap for Cogeneration for Greece, which is under public consultation. Development of a European Cogeneration Roadmap Identification for the first time of the potentials for micro-CHP and bio-energy CHP HELLENIC ASSOCIATION FOR COGENERATION OF HEAT AND POWER
HELLENIC ASSOCIATION FOR COGENERATION OF HEAT AND POWER Project outcomes Production of practical guides for target industries (paper, food/drink, hotels, commercial premises) that address the main issues when developing a business case for cogeneration Selection of best practice cases from all over Europe Cogeneration plants HELLENIC ASSOCIATION FOR COGENERATION OF HEAT AND POWER
HELLENIC ASSOCIATION FOR COGENERATION OF HEAT AND POWER Project outcomes Organization of 7 workshops in pilot Member States. The workshop in Greece was held in Athens, on the 10th of October 2013 with great success. Development of Coalitions on Cogeneration at national level, where CHP experts, policy-makers, CHP users will exchange ideas and promote further Cogeneration. Organization of high-profile events in Brussels to inform EU policy-makers HELLENIC ASSOCIATION FOR COGENERATION OF HEAT AND POWER
HELLENIC ASSOCIATION FOR COGENERATION OF HEAT AND POWER Project partners COGEN Europe, the European Association for the promotion of cogeneration, Project coordinator (Belgium) Hellenic Association for the Cogeneration of Heat and Power (HACHP) (Greece) Jožef Stefan Institute (Slovenia) Federazione d’ associazioni scientifiche e tecniche (FAST) (Italy) COGEN Vlaanderen (Belgium) Energy Matters (Netherlands) Berlin Energy Agency (Germany) KWK kommt (Germany) HELLENIC ASSOCIATION FOR COGENERATION OF HEAT AND POWER
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