Edible School Garden Program Fall 2015 Jeopardy! 3rd grade Seeds and Plants Food Groups Garden Fun MORE Garden Fun Nutrition Healthy Habits 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500
Seeds and Plants - 100 What is the name for the scientists who study plants? Botanists
Seeds and Plants - 200 How do people use plants? People use plants for cooking and eating, shade, to make medicine, and to build
Seeds and Plants - 300 What is the purpose of the seed? Produces a new plant
Seeds and Plants - 400 Parts of a plant. When we point to the part name the part.
Seeds and Plants - 500 What does the fruit part of the plant do? Protects the seed and helps with seed dispersal
Food Groups - 100 What are the five basic food groups? Grains, vegetables, fruit, dairy, protein
Food Groups - 200 What are 2 examples of foods in the protein group? Any meat, beans, nuts or seeds, eggs or fish
Food Groups - 300 At meal time, how much of our plate should be filled with fruits and vegetables? Half
Food Groups - 400 True or False? Cheese and Crackers make a balanced meal. False. Cheese and crackers represent only two food groups: dairy and grains. To make a balanced meal you would need to add a fruit or vegetable and a protein.
Food Groups - 500 What Food Group does squash belong in? Vegetables
Garden Fun - 100 Name a pollinator bug. Bee, butterfly, moth,
Garden Fun - 200 What are two ways seeds move? Wind, water, animals
Garden Fun - 300 Why is it important to save seeds? It is important to save seeds so we can plant them again. We can also save them for food.
Garden Fun- 300 How much of our body is made up of water? About 60% (a little more than half)
Garden Fun - 400 Name the three sisters plants. Corn, beans, squash
Garden Fun - 500 Look at the picture of the Seed What does the seed coat do? embryo Protects the embryo (baby plant)
MORE Garden Fun - 100 What does the root do for a plant? Supports the plant. Takes in water and food.
MORE Garden Fun - 200 What are some roots that we eat? Potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, radishes, beets, turnips, ginger, etc.
MORE Garden Fun - 300 Name 3 of the 6 parts of a plant. Roots, stems leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds.
MORE Garden Fun - 400 What do the antennae do for the insect? Primary sense of smell.
MORE Garden Fun - 500 Why do root vegetables have little hairs on them? They are the little roots that are growing out of the big root – they are the major site for water and food uptake
Nutrition - 100 Which food is in the grains food group? Bread Lettuce Cheese Bread
Nutrition - 200 Which food is in the Protein food group? Bread Tomato Meat Meat
Nutrition - 300 How many glasses of water should we drink each day? 6-8
Nutrition - 400 What 2 nutrients do fruits and vegetables have that are good for our health? Vitamins and minerals. (fiber is also an acceptable answer).
Nutrition - 500 How can you use your body to measure one serving of meat? Palm of your hand
Healthy Habits- 100 A. Not a correct answer –just a discussion How important is it for you to drink water every day? a. Really important b. Sort of important c. Not really important d. Not important at all A. Not a correct answer –just a discussion
Healthy Habits- 200 What should you drink most often? Water Soda Kool-Aid Sports drinks (like Gatorade) Energy drinks (like Monster) Milk Fruit juice Tea Not a correct answer –just a discussion
Healthy Habits- 300 I can ask for water instead of soda when I am thirsty. Yes No Not a correct answer –just a discussion
Healthy Habits- 400 I feel connected to my culture and the traditional ways of gardening and farming. Yes No Not a correct answer –just a discussion
Healthy Habits-500 3-4 Vegetables and 3-4 Fruits How many VEGETABLES should you eat each DAY? How many FRUITS should you eat each day? None or almost none 1-2 3-4 5-6 7 or more 3-4 Vegetables and 3-4 Fruits