The Economic Impact of Agriculture in Southern New Jersey Peter J. Furey Executive Director New Jersey Farm Bureau Presented to: The Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce SJ Luncheon March 25th, 2010
Selected Demographic/Geographic Data for Southern New Jersey County Population Land Area (Sq. miles) Land Area (acres) Total Farm Acres % of total acreage farmland represents Persons per square mile Atlantic 279,681 561.07 359,085 30,372 8.5% 450.2 Burlington 445,475 804.57 514,925 85,790 16.7% 526 Camden 517,234 223.3 142,912 8,760 6.1% 2,292.5 Cape May 95,838 255.19 163,322 7,967 4.9% 401.3 Cumberland 156,830 489.3 313,152 69,489 22.2% 299.5 Gloucester 287,860 324.72 207,821 46,662 22.5% 783.6 Ocean 569,111 636.28 407,219 9,833 2.4% 803.3 Salem 66,141 337.88 216,243 96,530 44.6% 190.2 SJ Totals 2,418,170 3,632.31 2,011, 840 355,403 17.7% 718.3 NJ Totals 8,682,661 7,417.34 4,707,863 733,450 15.6% 1,134.5 Sources: 2007 Census of Agriculture, 2000 US Census
Selected Agricultural Employment Statistics County Farms with Hired Labor Workers Hired Farm Labor ($1000) Atlantic 163 5,924 30,745 Burlington 217 2,012 22,699 Camden 52 656 5,382 Cape May 46 358 2,935 Cumberland 192 3,716 45,498 Gloucester 2,191 22,233 Ocean 53 306 3,088 Salem 172 1,407 16,086 SJ Totals 1,058 16,570 148,666 NJ Totals 2,415 24,385 237,683 SJ % of NJ Total 43.8% 68% 62.5% Source: 2007 Census of Agriculture
NJ Cash Receipts by Commodity Groups and Selected Commodities State and commodity 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 New Jersey 1000 dollars All commodities 813,908 843,198 873,392 982,298 1,117,634 Livestock and products 170,770 167,518 168,704 148,073 177,172 Meat animals 8,510 6,790 8,635 10,641 6,127 Dairy products 31,812 29,824 32,308 23,450 29,970 Miscellaneous livestock 103,267 106,081 95,182 89,498 95,240 Crops 643,138 675,680 704,688 834,225 940,462 Food grains 3,759 5,600 3,669 4,967 13,867 Feed crops 15,556 15,275 23,340 22,714 48,814 Oil crops 14,310 11,956 21,800 15,717 26,453 Vegetables 193,737 175,007 169,475 182,219 227,306 Corn, sweet NA Lettuce 9,078 8,160 4,691 7,617 Peppers, green, fresh 29,160 26,166 23,200 27,848 32,922 Tomatoes 19,627 26,645 Fresh 30,024 27,324 25,530 Misc. vegetables 29,060 20,360 29,401 43,422 63,930 Fruits/nuts 81,390 99,269 94,295 164,637 156,235 Apples 6,002 6,705 5,780 15,416 11,929 Peaches 24,774 25,194 23,180 35,700 23,920 Cranberries 8,395 13,717 12,293 18,816 26,522 Blueberries 36,100 46,790 45,630 83,720 81,990 All other crops 334,386 368,573 392,109 443,971 467,787 Greenhouse/nursery 329,885 364,626 384,028 436,265 460,265 Floriculture 134,256 159,817 148,173 162,719 180,205 Other greenhouse 105,393 204,809 235,855 124,075 280,060 Source: Economic Research Service, USDA
Selected Agricultural Facts US Agriculture: Value of Products Sold 2007 - $297 billion 2002 - $200 billion US Agricultural Trade 2009 imports - $73 billion 2009 exports - $96 billion 2009 trade balance - + $23 billion NJ Agriculture: Value of Products Sold 2007 - $986 million 2002 - $749 million NJ Agriculture 2007 Crops - $851 million 2007 Livestock - $135 million Sources: 2007 Census of Agriculture, 2009 ERS/USDA Report
Fun Facts on Agriculture US consumers spend just 10% of their disposable income on food each year. Consumers in other countries spend much more US farmers are the world’s most productive. Today, each US farmer produces food and fiber for 143 people in the US and abroad Today 98% of all US farms are owned by individuals, family partnerships or family corporations. 86% of US farm products sold are produced on farms owned by individuals, family partnerships and other family corporations. Livestock products account for fewer pounds than crops, but almost half the value of farm receipts Off-farm costs (marketing expenses w/ processing, wholesaling, distributing & retailing of food products) account for 81 cents of every dollar spent on food. 38.5 cents Off Farm Labor 8 cents packaging 4 cents transportation 3.5 cents energy 4.5 cents profits 4 cents advertising Farmers and ranchers receive only 19 cents out of every retail dollar spent on food. In 1980, farmers received 31 cents out of every retail dollar spent on food in America Source: Farm Facts - American Farm Bureau
Fun Facts on Agriculture (cont.) Grower cash receipts from nursery and greenhouse sales to retail and distribution businesses grew to $16.2B in 2005, up from $14.3B three years prior Typical greenhouse crops Floral, foliage and vegetable plants including tomatoes Transplant seedlings and bulbs Aquatic plants Mushrooms, herbs and seeds Typical nursery crops Cut and live Christmas trees Ornamental plants and trees with wood stems Fruit and nut plants for outdoor/landscape use Ornamental vines Turfgrass sod and other groundcovers Eighty-five million US households spend $39.6B at lawn and garden retail outlets annually. US consumers spend $37.9B annually on professional landscape, lawn and tree care services Source: Farm Facts - American Farm Bureau
Fun Facts on Agriculture (cont.) One acre of land can produce many different types of crops, depending on the fertility and type of soil, how much rain falls, temperature, and how much the sun shines. One acre can produce: 2,340 pounds of wheat 11,400 pounds of sweet corn 35,000 pounds of lettuce An acre is about the size of a football field More than half of America’s agricultural producers intentionally provide habitat for wildlife. Deer, moose, fowl and other species have shown significant population increases during the past several years. Source: Farm Facts - American Farm Bureau