Learning to Read Scientific Methods #1
Name____________________ Homework Read the description of an experimental design and answer the questions. What is the Randomization step? What is the Replication? What is the Response Variable? What is the Experimental Unit? What is/are the Treatment? What is the Control? How many total seeds where there? How many total dishes where there? What was the time frame?
Learning to Read Scientific Methods #2
Learning to Read Scientific Methods #2 Nothing Compost only Conventional Fertilizer Fertilizer & Compost Planting bed 1m 1m Effectiveness of organic compost vs. chemical fertilizer in urban garden production Generalized Experimental Narrative: This project will test the effectiveness of conventional fertilizers vs organic compost for the production of a common garden vegetable (tomato). Tomato plants (n = 4) of an identical, indeterminate, variety will be randomly assigned to one of four treatments- (a) no fertilizer, (b) compost only, (c ) conventional chemical fertilizer and a fertilizer and compost combination. This set of treatments will be repeated in three adjacent beds and the treatment areas will be randomly assigned to the beds. Each planting plot will be 1x1 m in size with uniform treatment of soil within that space. There will be a 0.5m buffer between the plots. Plants will be watered as needed through the summer. Tomatos will be collected and weighed as they ripen. At the conclusion of the growing season, whole plants will be harvested, divided into roots and shoots, dried and weighed.
Learning to Read Scientific Methods Read the methods section and answer the questions Name____________________ What is the Randomization step? What is the Replication? What is the Response Variable? What is the Experimental Unit? What is/are the Treatment? What is the Control? How many total experimental units where there? What are key sources of variation? What was the time frame? What is missing from this design?