“ Surely He is God who judges in the earth” Psalm 58:11 Eternal Judgement “ Surely He is God who judges in the earth” Psalm 58:11
Eternal Judgement The need for strong foundations – Hebrews 6:1 – 2 The final topic is relevant to our lives, our witness and our relationship to God The outworking of our salvation hinges on our view of the necessity of God’s judgement and the consequences of His judgement for us and all mankind Jesus came to the world to save it from judgement “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved” (John 3:17)
Eternal Judgement God as our judge Only God can truly judge as He alone sees and knows all things, even the depths of our hearts He is the Judge of all – men, angels, heaven and earth He has sovereign, eternal authority “Shall not the judge of all the world do right” Genesis18:25 His justice is always tempered by mercy and grace
Principles of God’s Judgement (Romans 2:1 – 12) Eternal Judgement Principles of God’s Judgement (Romans 2:1 – 12) Truth – only God knows the ultimate truth about every action, word or thought. Only He can decide whether a person measures up to heaven’s entry criteria Deeds – we will be judged according to our works. We are not saved by them but we are judges by them. Impartiality – a person’s earthly state will count for nothing Moral light within – God will judge people as to how they have responded to the moral conscience He has placed within each of us
God’s Judgement in Bible history Eternal Judgement God’s Judgement in Bible history Sodom & Gomorrah – Genesis 19:24 – 25 Korah and his supporters judged for rebelling against Moses’ authority – Numbers 16 Israel judged for disobedience and idolatry Ananias & Sapphira – Acts 5:1 - 10
Eternal Judgement When are we judged? Three main events: 1. The judgement seat of Christ – only believers will appear here, our rewards for faithfulness, love and service will be determined (1 Cor 3:12 – 15) 2. The throne of Christ’s glory – see Matthew 25:31 – judgement of the nations prior to the commencement of Christ’s millennial reign - the separation of the “sheep and goats” 3. The Great White Throne – Revelation 20:11 -1 5 – those who are born again will not be present, only the unregenerate
Eternal Judgement God alone is the true and perfect Judge CONCLUSION God alone is the true and perfect Judge All of mankind will eventually have to stand before Him For Christians our judgement will be on the basis of what we have done with the gift of salvation He has given us (rewards) For those who are not Christians judgement will be based on how they have lived in relation to the moral light God has given them There is a final separation at judgement – make sure you are on the right side! Ll