Bachelor of Christian Ministry Description: The purpose of this module is to acquaint the user with the Bachelor of Christian Ministry. This Module will help familiarize you with the “ins and outs” of the Bachelor of Christian Ministry degree.
WBU Mission: University Core Values: Commitment to Student Learning Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learning-focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and service to God and humankind. University Core Values: The following core values are at the heart of the degree planning process: Commitment to Student Learning Excellence and Innovation Service to Our Communities Integrity, Diversity, Trust, and Respect Personal, Professional and Spiritual Development Stewardship of Our Resources Planning and Accountability This is a reminder of the WBU Mission and University Core Values. These should be considered with every task performed and every decision made within the university
Learning Outcomes: Upon the completion of this training module, the user will be able to identify, understand, and apply the rules and steps found within the university’s guidelines in order to complete a degree plan for the Bachelor of Christian Ministry degree. This module will ensure the proper governance of the university’s programs and ensure that our student population is being advised correctly. After reviewing this module, the advisor should be able to identify the purpose of the Bachelor of Christian Ministry degree, the courses within the major, ministry related electives and professional development. The goal is for the advisor to have a good grasp on the purpose behind the major and have the knowledge to market the major to the appropriate student population. The advisor should also be able to provide details to the student about the transferability of credit and commonly used course substitutions.
Purpose of the Bachelor of Christian Ministry Degree The Bachelor of Christian Ministry Degree is designed to afford both academic and professional depth for individuals who possess recognized competence in a ministry. The degree is available to students age 21 and over with experience in churches and related ministries, providing a rich overview of history, theology and Biblical study in order to better prepare students for ministry work. The Bachelor of Christian Ministry degree is focused on students, aged 21 years or older, who come into the degree with either full-time or part-time experience within the church. Students interested in this degree should have a desire to continue their work within the church setting in the fields of children ministry, youth ministry, or adult ministry. Students who also seek to continue on to achieve a Master level or Doctorial level degree within the field of ministry should pursue this undergraduate degree.
Bachelor of Christian Ministry Degree Components: The Bachelor of Christian Ministry Degree is a 124- semester hour degree designed to afford both academic and professional depth for individuals who possess recognized competence in a ministry. This program integrates university degree requirements with appropriate experience. A minimum of 36 semester hours must be in upper-level credit (courses numbered 3000 and above). The Bachelor of Christian Ministry Degree is a 124 hour degree, integrating university degree requirements with appropriate experience. 36 hours must be upper level.
Bachelor of Christian Ministry Degree General Education: ENGL 1301 and 1302 ----------------------------------------------------------- 6 hours HIST 1303 and 1304, or 2301 and 2302--------------------------------------- 6 hours MATH 1304 or higher ----------------------------------------------------------- 3 hours EXSS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 hours RLGN 1301 and 1302 ----------------------------------------------------------- 6 hours Wayland Baptist University will not accept RLGN 1301 Old Testament History or RLGN 1302 New Testament History, or their equivalents, from any institution except other Baptist institutions to meet the core requirement in any Wayland degree. If a student has taken RLGN 1301 Old Testament History and/or RLGN 1302 New Testament History, or their equivalents, at any institution except other Baptist institutions, then the student has two options to meet the core requirement: (1) take RLGN 1301 and/or RLGN 1302 at Wayland or (2) take RLGN 4306, 4316, 4317, or 4318 in lieu of RLGN 1301; and/or take RLGN 4306, 4320, 4322, or 4324 in lieu of RLGN 1302. RLGN 4306 may be an option for either RLGN 1301 or RLGN 1302 as stated above, but may not count for both on the same degree plan. No other RLGN/RLED courses may substitute for either RLGN 1301 or 1302. The Dean of the School of Religion & Philosophy must approve any exception to this policy. RLGN 1301 Old Testament History or RLGN 1302 New Testament History, or their equivalents, taken at non- Baptist institutions, may be transferred as elective credit with approval of the Dean of the School of Religion and Philosophy and the Registrar. Here is an overview of the general education requirements for the BCM degree. Keep in mind that RLGN 1301 and RLGN 1302, or their equivalents, will not be accepted from any other institution unless they are a Baptist affiliated institution. If a student has taken either of these courses from a non-Baptist institution, he/she has two options in order to meet the core requirement. Please read carefully below in order to understand these two options.
Bachelor of Christian Ministry Degree General Education: SCIENCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 hours POLS 2301 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Math/Science ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 hours COMS 1301, 1303, 2302, or 2303 -------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Math/Science/Foreign Language ------------------------------------------------- 3 hours COSC 2311 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 hours Students may opt to test out of COSC 2311, see course description in catalog. Ministry related courses ------------------------------------------------------------ 15 hours See approved list of Ministry-related courses. ORIE 0001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 hours GRAD 4101 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 hour UNIV 1101 (2011-2012 catalog)------------------------------------------------------ 1 hour GRAD 0001 (2011-2012 catalog)---------------------------------------------------- 0 hours Here is a continuation of the General Education requirements for the BCM degree. Please note that beginning in the 2011-2012 catalog, ORIE 0001 has been changed to UNIV 1101 and is now worth 1 hour of lower level credit. Also, GRAD 4101 has been changed to GRAD 0001 and is no longer worth any credit hours.
Bachelor of Christian Ministry Degree General Education: 15 Semester Hours of Ministry-related courses: Here is an example of the Ministry Related Electives as it appears on the degree plan.
Bachelor of Christian Ministry Degree General Education: Approved list of Ministry-related courses: ART. 1301 ART APPRECIATION BUAD 4334 BUSINESS ETHICS CTED 4316 THE ADULT LEARNER ECON 2307 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS ECON 2308 PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS ECON 4346 SURVEY OF ECONOMICS EDUC 4313 CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT ENGL 2301 ENGLISH LITERATURE ENGL 2302 AMERICAN LITERATURE ENGL 2303 WORLD LITERATURE FREN 1301-1302 ELEMENTARY FRENCH FREN 2301-2302 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH GERM 1301-1302 ELEMENTARY GERMAN GERM 2301-2302 INTERMEDIATE GERMAN GREK 1301-1302 ELEMENTARY GREEK GREK 2301-2302 INTERMEDIATE GREEK MGMT 3304 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT MGMT 3310 MANAGERIAL COMMUNICATIONS This an approved list of Ministry-related electives, this is not an exhaustive list of approved electives. If an advisor has a question about a particular elective, they should contact the Dean of the School of Religion and Philosophy.
Bachelor of Christian Ministry Degree General Education: Continued: MGMT 3339 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF SUPERVISION MGMT 4320 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR MUSI 1303 MUSIC APPRECIATION MUSI3304 WORLD MUSIC MUSI 3305 AMERICAN MUSIC PHIL 1301 INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY PHIL 4319 ETHICS PSYC 1301 GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY *Psychology Courses related to Counseling from Wayland’s courses are: PSYC 2301 Developmental Psychology PSYC 2305 Adolescent Development PSYC 2306 Child Growth & Development PSYC 3310 Theories of Personality PSYC 4308 Substance Abuse: Assessment & Treatment PSYC 4309 Psychology of Death & Dying PSYC 4311 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 4312 Psychology of Parenting PSYC 4318 Introduction to Counseling PSYC 4319 Human Sexuality The next two slides are a continuation of the list of approved ministry-related electives.
Bachelor of Christian Ministry Degree Major Requirements: BCM major-hour requirement will not be reduced from 36 to 30 if an additional major/specialization or minor is added to the degree plan. 30 semester hours out of the 36 will be taken from Upper Level Courses. 24 semester hours out of the 36 will be taken from a set list. 12 of the 36 semester hours will be taken from Electives. The following 3 slides contain the requirements for the BCM major. Keep in mind that the hour requirement for the BCM major will not be reduced in an additional major or minor is added to the degree plan.
Bachelor of Christian Ministry Degree Major Requirements: Major Core Courses: RLGN 0001 – Theological Research and Writing Lab must receive credit for the lab RLGN 1301 – Old Testament History (dual counted in General Education) RLGN 1302 – New Testament History (dual counted in General Education) RLGN 4302 – Christian Theology RLGN/PHIL 4314 – Biblical Interpretation RLGN/RLED 4315 – The Christian Ministry RSWR 3345 – Research Writing Methods Students who need RSWR 3345 for a degree requirement should take it as soon as feasible in the students’ enrollment with Wayland, based on prerequisite being met. This requirement moves from RSWR 3345 to an imaginative literature course, like ENGL3303, if the second half of English they have does not have a literature component. Plus Three (3) hours from the following: RLGN 4307 – Church History or RLGN 4325 – Historical Theology or RLGN 4330 – Baptist History Within the major, students have 12 semester hours of electives. However, there are requirements for these electives. Advisors need to ensure that students take the appropriate elective meeting the stated requirement.
Bachelor of Christian Ministry Degree Major Requirements: Major Core Courses: Plus Three (3) hours from the following: *RLED/RLGN 3309 Spiritual Formation (students receiving BGCT ministerial financial assistance are required to take RLED/RLGN 3309) or RLED 4301 Survey of Christian Education or RLED 4302 Church Administration Upper Level Old Testament Elective (3 hours) Upper Level New Testament Elective (3 hours) Historical, Theological, Educational or Practical Religion Elective (3 hours): Any RLGN or RLED course Upper Level Religion Elective (3 hours) Wrapping up the BCM Major requirements, here are the Major core courses.
Bachelor of Christian Ministry Degree Major Requirements: Here’s an example of the Major as it appears on the degree plan.
Bachelor of Christian Ministry Degree Electives Requirements: This elective component consists of 24 semester hours selected to provide depth or breadth to the major and to provide substantive developmental knowledge for the student’s career or personal goals. If on Ministerial Scholarship the following courses must be completed and placed in this elective block of the degree plan (if not taken in the major). Please contact the Office of BAS/(BSOE)/BCM Records if a student is on a ministerial scholarship. RLED 1301 – Introduction to Baptist Ministry *RLED/RLGN 3309 – Spiritual Formation (students receiving BGCT ministerial financial assistance are required to take RLED/RLGN 3309) RLGN/RLED 4361 – Supervised Ministry Advisors need to be aware if their student is receiving the BGCT ministerial scholarship. If students are receiving this scholarship, they MUST take nine credit hours of specific classes.
Bachelor of Christian Ministry Degree Electives Requirements: Here’s an example of the Electives as it appears on the degree plan.
Bachelor of Christian Ministry Degree Pastoral Work Experience: Pastors are considered self-employed. Three letters of reference will be required from persons thoroughly familiar with the student’s work as a pastor or other minister. These letters should include such information as: Dates of affiliation which the student has had with the church A basic assessment of the student’s performance in ministry How the student demonstrates concern, compassion, and sensitivity The student’s ability to communicate in both oral and written format How well the student leads and maintains harmony How the student accepts responsibility for personal actions If this person demonstrates the ability to be a self starter How the student has or has not shown improvement over time The letters may also refer to factors not listed above which Wayland may consider pertinent in its granting of academic credit, including specific achievements by the student, ministerial strengths, educational opportunities taken, etc. These letters of reference may originate with: Chairs of Deacons, Elders, Boards Directors of Missions, District or General Superintendents, Bishops, Area and Regional Ministers Administrators, Chaplaincy Supervisors, CPE Facilitators Senior Pastors or Ministers for whom the student works Local congregational leaders including Chairs of Personnel Committee, Church Council, Pastor-Parish Relations Committee, Trustees, or other oversight bodies Student’s who wish to fulfill their Experiential Professional Development with Pastoral Work Experience must provide the University with three letters of reference from persons who are very familiar with the student’s work within the church. Specific details are listed here about what should be contained within the letters, who can write the letters, and to whom the letters should be addressed to.
Common Mistakes: Transferring in Lower Level credit hours and not adjusting the number of required Upper Level credit hours. Transferring in courses from another institution that have not been approved through the University’s courses evaluated or by the evaluator. Allowing students to take courses without the proper prerequisite or in an incorrect order. Not advising students of the proper sequence in their class rotation. (i.e. Taking RSWR 3345 at the beginning of their degree) Allowing students without previous work within a church setting to pursue the degree. Not ensuring that students on scholarship are taking the required 9 credit hours. Utilizing Ministry-Related Electives that have NOT been approved. This is a list of some common mistakes made by the advisor and the student.
Summary Review: This training module focused on the Bachelor of Christian Ministry degree. At its conclusion, the user should know the core, the Ministry-Related electives, the work experience, and the elective requirements. Advisors should be able to explain the major and its components to interested students and counsel them appropriately based upon the University’s governance. This training module focused on the Bachelor of Christian Ministry degree. Advisors should be able to explain the major and its components to interested students and counsel them appropriately based upon the University’s governance.
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