Fall 2016 CJ 137
EBSCOhost | ProQuest (Articles) Index & Full Text EBSCOhost (~30 Databases, searching 1) Academic Search Complete (Default) Or Choose Databases ProQuest (11 Databases, searching all) All (Default) Or unselect databases From columbiabasin.edu/library you can find articles by clicking on the link to ‘All Resources’ or by choosing EBSCOhost or ProQuest, our two big periodical database platforms. We get roughly 30 databases from EBSCOhost; the link from the library homepage will have you searching the Academic Search Complete, but you can choose to add more databases. We get 11 databases on the ProQuest platform – you search all of them at once. Those are the big two, but we have more databases in our full ‘all resources a-z list’ that provide access to periodicals. The CQ Researcher is a great starting point for lots of current, public policy types of research assignments, as is Global Issues in Context which is particularly helpful for international topics. ALL RESOURCES (A-Z List) CQ Researcher Global Issues in Context
Additional EBSCO Databases Legal Collection (+255 Law Review Articles) Masterfile (+1189 Magazine Articles) Newspaper Source* *Newspaper article records normally don’t have subject terms, so you cannot get good results in Newspaper Source searching the subject terms; as keywords the database adds nearly 3,500 articles.
Search Techniques Keywords – What are the legal arguments for and against universal background checks for firearm purchases? Truncation - a special character that takes the place of other characters at the end of a word firearm* = firearm, firearms And – used between keywords to narrow Firearm* AND background check* Or – used between keywords to broaden Gun OR firearm* Phrase – these characters in this order - narrower “background check*” If I already have an idea for a topic I can use the following search techniques to explore it. Choose search terms that are unique but commonly used in the scholarly literature (that is, no slang). Some can be made to work harder for you by chopping off the end of the word and replacing it with a star (shift-8) character to capture the plural and other variant forms. This is at least a two concept search – I’m not interested in any kind of loan, only student loans; I can narrow by placing each concept on its own search line connected with AND between the lines. Phrase searches are even more narrow: I’m telling the database to present results only if both words appear together. When you have multiple words that represent a concept you can broaden your search by including each one typing OR between them on a single line.
APA Case Citations
Using & Citing Sources Finding Help: CBC Academic Success Center - www.columbiabasin.edu/tutor Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL): Writing resources and instructional material. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/ If you take English 101 and 102 you will learn how to effectively use and cite sources, but you may still find it helpful to have someone read your paper and give you feedback. Both the writing center and etutoring can give you that kind of help.
If you don’t know how to use MS Word or other programs required by an assignment you may want to sign up for free online, self-paced classes through the MS Imagine Academy.
Hours During the Quarter Monday - Thursday 7:30am – 7:30pm Friday 7:30am – 4:30 pm Saturday 11:00am - 4pm Closing at Noon Wed. 11/23 Closed Thur. 11/24 through Sun. 11/27 Contact CBC Library Reference 509-542-4890 library@columbiabasin.edu