Throughout Lent, we will be looking at Jesus’ life and teachings…focusing on how prayer emerges as such a large theme in both. Today, our exploration will be a very broad one…looking at how Jesus’ attachment to prayer was vast & varied.
Jesus varied greatly in how, when, and with whom He prayed…showing the type of flexibility we should have. * For Himself - John 17: 1-4; Hebrews 5:7 * For others - Matthew 19:13; John 17:9 * With others - Luke 9:28, 11:1 * Alone - Mark 1:35; John 6:15 Luke 5: 15-16, 6:12, 9:18
In Mark 6: 30-34, 46; Jesus models the importance of “getting away” for prayer. Although Jesus’ prayer time is interrupted to do the needs of His ministry (Feeding the 5,000 miracle), He returns to prayer as soon as He is able to.
or praying all night for important issues. Mastering a skill that is very useful and needed in today’s world (if we want to grow deep with God, despite time constraints), Jesus was equally at home in using brief prayers (like The Lord’s Prayer) or praying all night for important issues.
Like all Jews of His time (but still setting a positive example of prayer for us today), Jesus offered prayers of thanksgiving prior to each meal. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jesus was gracious in offering brief, blessing prayers to children and the faithful or repentant.
In terms of “prayer postures”, we know: * Jesus prayed as He knelt down (Luke 22:41) * Jesus prayed on His face before God (Matthew 26:39) * Jesus prayed with open, upturned eyes (Matthew 14:19; John 17:1)
Hebrews 5:7 says that Jesus prayed with “loud cries and tears.” The word “crying” can be translated: “outcry or clamor” The adjective loud/strong just makes this picture much more impactful.
Responding in Prayer
Creator God, You who breathed the Spirit of life within me; touch me and make me feel whole again. Help me to see Your love in the life, death and resurrection of Your Son.
Help me to observe Lent in a way that allows me to celebrate that love. Direct me, Lord, as I try to learn from the faithful example of Jesus.
for these weeks of Lent as I feel both Prepare me, Father, for these weeks of Lent as I feel both deep sorrow for my sins and gratitude for Your undying love for me. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.