The Dust Bowl and the effects of water shortages. By Robert Rogers Kyle Martin
Mid west before the drought The mid west was the main provider of food for America in the 1900’s and was critical in the making of everyday goods. When the drought hit it affected both the farmers and the every day people.
Migrant Mother Some of the more iconic pictures from the dustbowl are of a mother and her children The pictures were taken by Dorothea Lange. A photographer for the Resettlement Administration. The woman in the pictures wished to remain anonymous and Mrs. Lange didn’t push it.
Dust Bowl GIS The dust bowl was the product of a large drought and increase of farming in the mid west. As the farmers loosen up the soil and the drought dried it out . It became easer for the wind to take blow it away.
Rain fall in the 1930’s The lack of rain fall in the 1930’s made the west a prime target for famine and drought.
Dust in the big cities The dust storms weren’t limited to the west. Some of them some of them were big enough to reach to big cities like D.C. and New York.
Living conditions The loving conditions on the people in the mid west were almost nonexistent. Many slept in ramshackle shacks while others stayed in tents.
Many people decided to leave the west and head to bigger cities to find better jobs and get out of the dust. As they would leave they would lash what ever they could to their cars and drive for a better place. Leaving the mid west
Farms in the dust bowl For the people who decided to stay they found life on the farm even more challenging and unforgiving then ever.
Crops The crops that the farmers could get to grow were small and barley had enough on them for their family.
Kids Nor even the kids were spared the hard ship of the dust bowl. Many went to help in the field to raze enough money to keep the farm.
Jobs Even in the climate of the drought and the depression there were still a few jobs out there.
A plagues on the mid west If the drought wasn’t bad enough for the farmers in the plains. A swarm of grasshoppers enveloped the aria eating whatever they could find.
Hobos in the storm During the storm many people were so desperate to leave that they joined the hobos and started to ride the rails of America.
Nutrition Many of the people in the dust bowl had to rely on government and church soup kitchens for food. If they could find food by them selves it was usually small bits and pieces of crops that couldn't be sold.
Sand storm protection The sand that was picked up by the winds were so bad you had to wear special masks if you were going out.
Water in the drought In the beginning of the dust bowl the farmers relied on rain and water from local lakes and rivers to water their crops At the end of the dust bowl many farmers had found a new source of water, underground.
New farming methods Towards the end of the dust bowl new farming methods were coming out that were believed to reduce the amount of erosion and help grow more crops.
The dust settles As the new farming methods went into use and the fain fall came back to normal. The dust bowl came to a close but not with out the cost of many peoples farms, jobs, and lives.
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