Transportation Systems What is Transportation?
What is Transportation Transportation-Moving products or people from one place to another.
Why Study Transportation 1. It affects the way you live 2. Most people take it for granted 3. It is essential in nearly everything you do 4. Think of what your life would be without it 5. You need to understand anything that impacts your life so greatly
Transportation pre-Modern Era Types Walking Horse Carriage Ship Average Distance traveled per year Approximately 175 miles
Transportation in the 1800’s New types of transportation Steam engine (both Rail and Boat) The Bicycle Glider Hot-Air Balloon Average Distance traveled per year Approximately 900 miles
Transportation in the 1900’s New types of transportation Automobile Elevator/Escalator Airplane Space Shuttle Average Distance traveled per year Approximately 12300 miles
Transportation System Inputs People- Provide the skills and knowledge to operate these systems Capital- Buildings, vehicles, roads, computers are all examples of capital Knowledge-Brought into the system by people Materials- Solids, liquids, and gases
Transportation System Inputs Energy- Human power, animal power, wind, solar, natural gas, and petroleum Time- How long does it take to get from point A to point B Finance-Money, most modes of transportation cost money, except for walking.
Transportation Processes In the world of transportation, the process factor comes simply as management. Traffic Control Airspace control Engineering and Planning
Transportation Outputs Output is the end result, this is the ability of the given transportation system to get the product or person from point A to point B successfully Unintended Outputs Some outputs happen from improper planning, pollution is one of those unintended outputs.
Transportation Feedback Consumers usually push feedback upon the provider of transportation. In the past year mass transportation such as Busses and Subways have almost doubled in use. In turn the local agencies have been forced to provide more busses and more routes for those busses.
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