«Великие умы» учитель английского языка МКОУ СШ №5 г


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Presentation transcript:

«Великие умы» учитель английского языка МКОУ СШ №5 г «Великие умы» учитель английского языка МКОУ СШ №5 г. Михайловка Волгоградской области Карпилович Елена Николаевна

Great minds Learn new words Read the text about one invention Discuss the Russian Noble Prize winners Write about a famous scientist and his/her invention

Read the sentence, guess the meaning of these words Alexander Popov invented radio in 1895. invent - __________________ inventor - __________________ invention - _____________________ check Use these words in your own sentences.

Read the sentence, guess the meaning of these words Alexander Popov invented radio in 1895. изобретать invent - __________________ изобретатель inventor - __________________ изобретение invention - _____________________ Use these words in your own sentences.

Read the text about one invention and find information to complete the plan (Spotlight 8, p. 42) Notice Come to the conclusion Perform expe-riments Present the results check

His shirt started to float upwords above the fire Heat had power to lift things up They made the first hot air balloon from paper and cloth The animals had the two-mile journey in 1783

Speak about the invention using these words Joseph Montolflier laundry chimney craft smoke hot-air balloon two-mile journey a sheep, a duck and a chicken

New words: match the words and the definitions invent to study carefully to discover new facts research to make or design something new discover to learn about something for the first time explore to travel around the place to learn more about it check

New words: match the words and the definitions invent to study carefully to discover new facts research to make or design something new discover to learn about something for the first time explore to travel around the place to learn more about it

“The Russian Scientists who got the Noble Prize” Who performed experiments on reflex system? Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

“The Russian Scientists who got the Noble Prize” Who is known for his pioneering research in immunology? Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov

“The Russian Scientists who got the Noble Prize” Who discovered the density matrix method in quantum mechanics ? Lev Davidovich Landau

“The Russian Scientists who got the Noble Prize” Who got the prize for his fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics that led to the development of laser? Nicklay Gennadievich Basov

“The Russian Scientists who got the Noble Prize” Who discovered the superfluidity of liquid helium? Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa

“The Russian Scientists who got the Noble Prize” Who invented the hetero-transistor? Zhores Ivanovich Alfyorov

Complete the table. Choose any invention you like. 1. General information 2. The stages of invention invention noticed date came to the conclusion inventor performed experiments discovered/invented presented

Write a short story about any invention you like (120-150 words) Write a short story about any invention you like (120-150 words). Use the plan Introduction (general information) Main Body (the stages) Conclusion

Список используемых источников А) Печатные издания «Английский в фокусе» учебник для 8 класса, Ю.Е.Ваулина, В.Эванс, «Просвещение», - Москва, 2014 г. – с. 42-43

Список используемых источников Б) Статьи в Интернете Elier Metchnikoff https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89lie_Metchnikoff Ivan Pavlov https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Pavlov Lev Landau https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lev_Landau Nickolay Basov https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolay_Basov Pyotr Kapitsa https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyotr_Kapitsa Zhores Alferov https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhores_Alferov

C) Изображения Ж.Алферов http://life-panorama.narod.ru/foto/Samara/Jores-Alferov.jpg Н. Басов http://www.eduspb.com/public/img/biography/b/basov3.jpg П.Капица http://www.slaviza.ru/uploads/posts/2012-01/1327333210_pyotr_l_kapitsa_russian_physicist_1964.jpg

C) Изображения Д. Ландау https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0b/Landau.jpg И.Мечников https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/Ilya_Mechnikov_nobel.jpg И.Павлов http://animal-store.ru/img/2015/050223/3933285