University of Minnesota MATCH GAME: MEMORY BrainU 101, Summer 2015 University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN
The Memory Match Game Played similar to the card game "Concentration," this Memory Match Game includes 24 cards. A memory-related term appears on 12 of the cards; the remaining 12 cards hold definitions of those terms. Your mission is to match the term with its definition. Your strategy is to watch as each player reveals 2 cards, noting the location of each mismatched card so that when your turn comes up you have a better chance of making a match.
How To Play Shuffle the cards. Keeping them printed side down, lay the cards in 4 rows so that each row has 6 cards in it. You'll end up with a playing area that looks like this: Player 1 turns over one card and then a second card. If s/he turns over a matching term and definition, the player keeps the cards. If there is a mismatch, s/he turns the cards over again. Play passes to the next player to the right who turns over 2 cards. If the pair are mismatched, Player 2 turns the cards over again so that you cannot see the printed side and play passes to the next player. Play continues in this way until all the cards have been paired and there are no more cards to reveal. Then the players count the number of cards they've each collected. The player with the highest number of cards wins.