Unit 1
WILL/GOING TO The Simple Future has two different forms in English: "will" and "be going to." Although the two forms can sometimes be used interchangeably, they often express two very different meanings. I will probably go to Italy next Summer I am going to fly to Italy next Saturday
Future Tense: Will Form Affirmative: I will (I’ll) travel to Madrid in October Interrogative : Will you travel by bus? Negative : I will not (= won’t ) travel Will you travel by train or by bus? I won’t travel by bus I will probably travel by train
Future Tense: Uses of Will 1- Instant/spontaneous decisions: Ok, I’ll see you on Friday. 2- Personal opinions : (I think, I suppose, I guess, I hope) I think I’ll stay in this evening. 3- Promises, offers, requests: Don’t worry, I’ll go and buy some food for you. 4-Predictions based on what we think: We’ll never understand the future in English.
Instant decisions Decisions at the time of speaking WILL I left the door open. I’ll close it right now. (In the restaurant) W :What would you like to drink? I’ll have a cup of coffee, please. Did you call Sue? No, I forgot it. I’ll call her tonight Instant decisions Decisions at the time of speaking
I think I’ll have a sandwich. (based on what we think) I am little hungry. I think I’ll have a sandwich. I don’t think I’ll go out tonight. I am too tired. Personal opinions Predictions (based on what we think) You will be rich one day.
Don’t worry. I will help you with your homework. I will love you forever. Will you marry me? Offers Promises Requests
Complete sentences 1-6 with a verb and match them with the cartoons (A-F) Have / help / love / open / pay / take I’ll …………… the steak, please. I’ll …………… you back tomorrow. I’ll …………… you! I’ll always …………… you. Shall I …………… the window? Yes, it’s very nice. I’ll …………… it.
Future Tense:Going to Form Affirmative: I am going to travel by plane Interrogative : Are you going to travel by plane? Negative : I am not going to travel by plane because I am going to fly in a hot air balloon.
Future Tense: Uses of Going to 1- Future plans, intentions: I’m going to study a lot this year. 2- Decisions before the moment of speaking: I’m going to have party next weekend. 3- Predictions based on what we can see at the moment (present evidence): I feel terrible. I’m going to be sick.
I'm going to buy a new laptop computer next week. Plans, Intentions I'm going to buy a new laptop computer next week. John has decided to Have a party. He’s going to invite lots of people. Decisions before the moment of speaking Look at that car! It is going to crash into that tree. Predictions on present evidence
I AM GOING TO : I HAVE DECIDED TO DO STH. Today, I am going to read my favourite novel, then I am going to phone my best friend and finally I am going to drive my new motorcycle.
PREDICTIONS WITH PRESENT EVIDENCE Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain. She is pregnant. She’s going to have a baby.
Complete the sentences with “to be going to” or “will”. Why are you working so hard these days? Because I ………………… (buy) a car, so I’m saving. 2) What ………………… (you / buy) Jill for her birthday? A CD. mmm, But she hasn’t got a CD player. In that case, I ………………… (buy) her a book. 3) Dad, can you mend this for me? I’m sorry. Ask Mum. She ………………… (do) it for you. 4) Why have you got so many eggs? Because I ………………… (make) an omelet. 5) I haven’t got enough money to get home. I ………………… (lend) you some. How much do you need? A: Why are you holding a piece of paper? B: I …………………….. (write) a letter to my friends back home in Texas 7) A: I'm about to fall asleep. I need to wake up! B: I …………………(get) you a cup of coffee. 8) We are so excited about our trip next month to France. We …………………. (visit) Paris, Nice and Grenoble. 9) I think he …………………. (be) the next British Prime Minister.