National Survey Part I – February 2016 U.S. Business Hiring Challenges 400 Respondents
6 in 10 Business Professionals Report Salaries of Their IT Workers are Higher Than They Were Only Five Years Ago When shifting from mid-tier managers to executives with direct hiring authority, that figure rises to three-quarters of respondents. As far as you know, is your company hiring more, less, or about the same number of employees in Information Technology (IT) compared to 5 years ago? As far as you know, are the salaries of Information Technology (IT) workers higher, lower, or about the same compared to 5 years ago? Q17: As far as you know, is your company hiring more, less, or about the same number of employees in Information Technology (IT) compared to 5 years ago? Q18: As far as you know, are the salaries of Information Technology (IT) workers higher, lower, or about the same compared with 5 years ago?
82 Percent of Business Professionals Report Hiring a Skilled Foreign Worker Costs As Much or More As Hiring U.S. Workers How important has having skilled guest workers or foreign workers been to your company’s growth? Thinking about the costs associated with hiring a foreign worker at your firm, do you think the costs of hiring a foreign worker are less than, equal to, or greater than hiring a U.S. worker? % Important 500+ Emp 49% <500 Emp 37% 89% More Or Equal 82% More Or Equal Q43: Thinking about your company, on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means it is not at all important and 5 means it is very important, how important has having skilled guest workers or foreign workers been to your company’s growth? Q44: Thinking about the costs associated with hiring a foreign worker at your firm, do you think the costs of hiring a foreign worker are less than, equal to, or greater than hiring a U.S. worker?
3/4 of Business Professionals Say the Costs Associated With Sponsoring and Complying with the H-1B Program Are Too High For Most American Companies Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree that the cost of sponsoring and complying with H-1B visas (temporary foreign worker visas) is too high for most American companies? Q49: Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree that the cost of sponsoring and complying with H-1B visas (temporary foreign worker visas) is too high for most American companies?
8 in 10 Executives Report Their Company is Investing in Recruiting as a Result of STEM or IT Hiring Challenges In the past year, has your company invested money in recruiting as a result of STEM or IT hiring challenges? % Yes Executives: 78% Q14: In the past year, has your company invested money in recruiting as a result of STEM or IT hiring challenges? [IF HAVE RECUIRITING CHALLENGES] Q13A: Please write a few words that describe the how your company has responded to meet those challenges?