PCG Education Where We Are Going Getting Ready www.pcgeducation.com
ELAFS Cycle of Inquiry
PCG Education Where We Are Going Getting Ready www.pcgeducation.com
Today’s Agenda and Objective PCG Education Today’s Agenda and Objective Today we will analyze data using four data protocols. Data Carousel Why, Why Why, Significance and Control Root Cause www.pcgeducation.com
Protocol 1: Data Carousel
Process Data Set 1 Data Set 2 Data Set 3 Data Set 4 Data Set 5 Data Set 6 Data Set 7 Data Set 8 Data Set 9 Data Set 10 Break Station Each table is assigned to a data set. The number of your assigned data set matches the number on your table. This will be your starting and ending data set for the duration of this meeting. You will continue with this data set through the remaining protocols During the data carousel protocol you will start at your assigned data set. After spending time evaluating your assigned data set, your table team will rotate through each data station, including a break station, which will give you a chance to rest and recaffinate. At the end of the protocol you will have return to your initial data set.
Observe the Data Write down observations on Post-It notes There are no wrong observations Assign observations to categories using the Strengths and Concerns Sheet Avoid suggesting a possible reason or explanation. You will get to share this in the next protocol Put a check mark on any observation you agree with When you arrive at your assigned data station, your first step will be to observe the data Think about whether some measure are high or low, if there are any trends, or if any data is missing. It’s okay to discuss this with your group. As you are making your observations, write them down on a post it note, and decide if this is a strength, concern, or an area that needs more information. Use the Strengths, Concerns, or Area that needs more info sheet next to each data set to assign your observation to one of these categories. If you have a hunch as to why the data shows what it does, save it for the next data protocol, called Why, Why, Why. Try starting your observations with “I see…,” “I observe that...” or “I notice...” If you catch yourself saying, “I think that’s because…” STOP and return to the sentence starters suggested above. As your group rotates through the data set’s you’ll notice that you will start to make observations that are based on ones already posted. This is okay! Add a checkmark on the observation to agree.
Clarifying Questions How do the data sets compare to each other? What are the commonalities among a given data set? What patterns or similarities are evident across different data sets? What inconsistencies or discrepancies (if any) are evident? Is there anything you expected to see but don’t? What is not represented in the data? What questions do the data raise?
Data Carousel - Demonstration Good observations: 15 people used conference room 3; half as many people used conference room one. Bad observations: Conference room four is terrible. Clearly, everyone loves conference room three.
Understand Issues: Data Carousel Now, you get to experience a carousel. 10 minutes at your first data set to record observations 7, 5 minutes at following data sets We will be timing you! Important to wrap up and move on to the next data set One break station, this will be your chance to rest and re- caffeinate At the end, you will have returned to your starting data set
Protocol #1: Debrief and Discuss PCG Education Protocol #1: Debrief and Discuss Discuss observations from Data Carousel. Decide as a group your data set’s: #1 Strength #1 Concern Your #1 Concern will be your Focusing Question for the remaining protocols. Take that concern, and turn it into a “Why…” Statement Write these down on the Summary Sheet on your Tables Conference Room Example: “Why are so few people using Conference Room 4?” www.pcgeducation.com
Lunch pick up
Protocol 2: Why Why Why? When we tell you, flip over your Strengths and Concerns Sheet and write your Area of concern at the top. Brainstorm possible causes behind your chosen area of concern. Write these causes on a post it note, and add it to the sheet. There is no wrong answer Try to share at least 20 reasons
Conference Room Example People don't know it's available No windows Too far from coffee Too cluttered Too dark Limited privacy Not used to it Too cold Forget it's there Not inviting Just don't like it Arrangement Want to play with all the toys
Protocol 3: Significance and Control PCG Education Protocol 3: Significance and Control People don't know its available Too cluttered Limited privacy Too Cold Not inviting Arrangement No windows Too far from coffee Too dark Not used to it Forget it's there Just don't like it Want to play with all the toys People don't know its available Too cluttered Limited privacy Too cold Not inviting Arrangement No windows Too far from coffee Too dark Not used to it Forget it's there Just don't like it Want to play with all the toys So now we have all these reasons why we have this problem... Now we need to figure out what to do first. This next activity will help us sort the causes into areas we have control over and can affect. www.pcgeducation.com
Don't know it's available PCG Education Protocol 4: Root Cause Don't know it's available Too Cluttered Not Inviting This starts with too cold, moves clockwise around the graphic. Emphasize that groups should draw individual lines as is shown on the graphic. Too Cold Privacy Issue Arrangement www.pcgeducation.com
Protocol 4: Root Cause Turn this Root Cause into a Theory of Action As a group, discuss how to combine your Root Cause and your Focusing Question into a theory of action. This will be an “If…., then...” statement Record this on the summary sheet Conference Room Example “If we change the arrangement of the room, then more people will use Conference Room 4.
Protocol 4: Root Cause Time to share out! Designate a speaker and share your: Initial Data Set Focusing Question Root Cause Theory of Action
Conclusions and Next Steps PCG Education Conclusions and Next Steps We are here www.pcgeducation.com