ALC 4 viernes el 22 de enero
objetivo Review ir conjugations Places notes and flash cards Review regular verb conjugations.
ALC 4 Traducir 1.We are going to the beach. (Lets go to the beach.) 2.She is going to the beach. 3.They the girls are going to the beach. 4.I am going to the beach. 5.Yall are going to the beach. 6.You (familiar) are going to the beach.
ALC 4 respuestas 1.We are going to the beach. (Lets go to the beach.) Vamos a la playa. 2.She is going to the beach. Ella va a la playa. 3.They the girls are going to the beach. Ellas van a la playa. 4.I am going to the beach. Yo voy a la playa. 5.Yall are going to the beach. Vosotros vais a la playa. 6.You (familiar) are going to the beach. Tú vas a la playa. a la playa.
Notes/ Flash cards El gimnasio El parque El centro comercial El cine El trabajo La biblioteca La piscina La escuela Gym Park Mall Movie theater Work Library Swimming pool School Write the vocabulary in your notes and on the flash cards. inglés
Memory game after assignment.
Conjugation assignment.
memory Use two sets of flash cards On set Spanish side up and the other English side up. Shuffle the cards Rock paper scissors to see who goes first. Select a pair at a time/turn.