Response to Literature An Essay
What is a Response to Literature Essay? A writing piece in which the writer reads a piece of literature and writes about their personal connections and personal feelings the piece inspires. The response also describes the main theme and explains the lesson learned.
What should I do first? Read the piece of literature Organize your thoughts -what is your initial response after reading it -personal memories, emotions, thoughts, etc., that connect you with the story or a character -what is the theme/message the author is trying to get across
What should I do first continued… 3. Write your Response to Literature Essay I See Purple Cows! ISPC I= introduce the piece of literature S=summarize the novel’s storyline (use plot stages-10 to 12 sentences) P= personal connection C=conclusion
Paragraph One Introduce the piece of literature…then write a summary -Tell the type of literature (novel, article, etc.), title or the literature (properly punctuated) and the author. Example: The novel, Star Girl , by Jerry Spenili is about … **Remember, long works should be italicized or underlined. Following the introductory sentence, write a brief summary. **Remember, you are not rewriting the story. A summary focuses on the key details (PLOT).
Think Deep! Be expressive! Paragraphs 2, 3 and …? The paragraph minimum is two paragraphs, but you may have more. Write about what events, topics or ideas from the novel or story you were capable of connecting with. a). Begin with a topic sentence that connects you to an event or topic from the story b). Explain your connection- how do you relate c). Explain your response-feelings emotions about the connection you made d). Use an example or quote from the sory to help support your connection (Two are required-one per paragraph). e). If you can’t make a personal connection at all talk about the main character. Talk about the events that he/she experienced and what he/she realizes or learns through the events. Think Deep! Be expressive!
Final Paragraph Conclusion Conclude with what you believe to be the theme/message of the novel or story. What main message is the author trying to get across? a). Begin with a topic sentence that introduces the main theme/message b). Explain the theme in detail c). Use an example from the novel to help support your idea d). Explain the overall lesson the main character learned. Explain what you learned.
Format MLA In text citations Works Cited Size 12 font; times new roman Title (Be creative) 1 ½ pages minimum; maximum 3 Honors: 2 to 4 *I will be printing your paper out so be sure to have the correct heading
Must be turned in to Google or typed and printed, no exceptions. Grading This is weighted as a project grade (40%) Due Date- Monday October 3rd C1,C2,C3 October 5th C4, C5 You may type and print out or turn in to Google Classroom Must be turned in to Google or typed and printed, no exceptions.