Including the “T” in your ERG/BRG and Workplace Out & Equal Workplace Summit October 8, 2015
Agenda Welcome Company & ERG/BRG Make-up Brief Introduction to Trans People Transgender Policies and Benefits Including TAC Requirements Internal Training and Education Changing the ERG/BRG to include the Transgender employee How to Manage the Transition in the Workplace Case Studies How to be a Trans Ally Q&A and dialog Sue Transgender Advisory Committee (TAC) is ...
Welcome Sue Machelski Cheryl Gilliam Carol Lewis Greg Gwaltney Dow Chemical NAA LBGT ERG Leader Cheryl Gilliam Kellogg’s Global LGBT ERG Leader Carol Lewis Sr. D&I Business Partner Greg Gwaltney GLAD Equitable Policies Team Chris Rice Whirlpool Co-Lead of LGBTQ Group Carol Levey Regional Site Implantation Leader
Company & ERG/BRG Make-up Dow Chemical Kellogg Whirlpool Best Chemical Company in the World 54,000 employees globally GLAD Established 2000 Network in 154 different Locations Largest of 8 networks 2800 participants w/ >75% Allies Home of ‘Tony the Tiger’ 32,000 employees globally KPA Established 2009 Network in USA and Latin America 3rd largest ERG of 8 500+ participants Home of the ‘Maytag Man’ 100,000 employees PRIDE Established 1999 Network affiliates in call centers, manufacturing divisions, and Latin America (Brazil) 3rd Largest ERG of 8 400+ participants Dow – Sue Kellogg- Cheryl Whirlpool - Chris
Identity, expression, attraction, and assigned sex are independent sliders and not a zero-sum measurement. Being some part of one being woman need not make one less of a man! A transgender person is one who recognizes that their sex-assigned at birth does not match their observed gender identity. There is no confusion about the gender of a transgender person; they have had to agonize long and hard over this at tremendous cost; this is not a cheap and trivial statement to make. The recognized gender of a transgender women is natural and valid as that of an African American, tall, Young or old Woman.
Transgender Policies and Benefits Including TAC Guidelines Dow Chemical Kellogg Whirlpool 2007 employment non-discrimination included gender identity 2010 Medical Benefits /WPATH SOC Guidelines in place 2006 Domestic Partner Benefits launched 2009 gender identity added to the non-discrimination policy 2011 Transgender guidelines established 2009 Gender Identity and Gender Expression added to Global Non-Discrimination 2009 Equal and Full Coverage for Transgender Employees 2013 Gender Identity and Expression added to Corporate Giving and Supplier Non-Discrimination Policies/Guidelines Dow – Greg (touch on guidelines including Bathroom policy) World Professional Association for Transgender Health Standards of Care (WPATH SOC). Kellogg- Carol Whirlpool – Chris
Training and Education In 2015 K Pride & Allies focused on basic training to educate our ERGs members on the LGBTQA community: Out Ally Basic Training 101 – Michigan State University LBGT Resource Center "Creating Inclusive Workspaces for Transgender Employees“ – Kalamazoo Gay, Lesbian Resource Center (KGLRC) Kellogg Cheryl
3 Ways the ERG Can Change to include the Trans employee Focus on Education Annual Transgender Day of Remembrance Observance Lunch & Learns Unique opportunities to Engage Other ERGs Be an HR Resource Editing policies for Trans-Inclusive Language Enhancing required training to be fully inclusive of LGBT employees Ask, Ask, Ask Never assume, Always ask 1999 “Gays And Lesbians of Whirlpool” 2005-Today Whirlpool Chris Rice
How to Manage the Transition in The Workplace ERG: Raising awareness and educating is key ERG should provide training and resources to normalize transgender people Everyone in the workplace should meet at least one trans person Train HR and managers and be available to support a workplace transition Be the champion for medical benefits for transgender employees Dow Chemical Carol Levey EDUCATE UP!!!
How to Manage the Transition in The Workplace Trans Employee Should be working with health care provider/s before approaching their manager Must be able to approach manager with confidence, a clear timetable, and clear goals Goals may be unique Dow Chemical Carol Levey EDUCATE UP!!!
How to Manage the Transition in The Workplace Managers Must be known to be familiar with trans matters They are the trans-person’s advocate and principle contact person They shall issue all communiqués and answer questions that everyone is too afraid to ask the trans-person Dow Chemical Carol Levey
How to Manage the Transition in The Workplace HR Must have a practical knowledge of a workplace gender transition Co-ordinate resources to ensure that the trans person has access to all the information and is aware of all medical benefits Ensure manager is supported; co-ordinate transition activities and timetable Ensure all administrative actions are performed Dow Chemical Carol Levey
How to Manage the Transition in The Workplace Co-workers Extend common courtesy; treat the trans person with the respect they would any new hire Be familiar with How to Be a Trans Ally If unsure, question management/HR/Google Never reveal anyone's transgender status as this is considered privileged medical information Dow Chemical Carol Levey
Good and Bad Case Studies All Order unless you decline Dialog with Audience too Carol Levey Cheryl Greg Chris Carol Lewis
We, the ERG, need to train others on How to be a Trans Ally Accept that people are bringing their whole / real selves to work Treat them like any other person with dignity and respect Use their new name and presentation-appropriate pronouns. If in doubt, ask. Don’t draw attention to mistakes; keep apologies small and/or just do it right next time. Sue
We, the ERG, need to train others on How to be a Trans Ally Defend them against gossip. Everyone has a right to respect and privacy. Don’t ask about genitals/surgery or any other privileged medical information Don’t “out” the trans person to anyone Its not your privilege to disclose “Tranny”, “she-male”, “he-she”, etc. are slurs. And do keep a sense of humor – it’s new for everyone!
Resources To continue your education on transgender issues and the transition process, please refer to the resources below: Resource Link National Center for Transgender Equality The Human Rights Campaign Transgender Law Center PFLAG GLAAD Medical aspects, WPATH guide Scientific papers on transgender studies How to be a trans ally Caitlyn Jenner cover-featuring-caitlyn-jenner-releases-updated-tip- sheet
Christopher.rice@whirlpool Contact Information Name Email Sue Machelski Cheryl Gilliam Carol Lewis Greg Gwaltney Chris Rice Christopher.rice@whirlpool Carol Levey