Real-time data in Prague Integrated Transport Zbyněk Jiráček - ROPID 17. 3. 2017
About Prague Integrated Transport
About Prague Integrated Transport
About Prague Integrated Transport Unification of multiple transit operators Single fare conditions (one ticket for the whole journey) Timetables, route planners Customer support Data…
The Data Timetables Current vehicle positions …
Departure tables Real predictions of departures from a particular stop based on current position of the vehicle
Departure tables Web service for predicting departures
XML contents One o record represents a single departure of a single vehicle stan – platform identification alias – line identification smer – direction (stop name) odj – regular departure (from timetable) sled – whether the current position of the vehicle is known zpoz – predicted delay (equals to current delay from the last stop) np – indicates low-floor vehicle dd – mean of transport (1 = metro, 2 = tram, 3-5 = bus, 13 = train) smer_c – direction (stop ID)
Stop identification XML document listing all stops
Stop identification One z record represents one platform n – name of the stop (full) cis – ID of the stop (all platforms of the same name have the same ID) tp – tariff zone sx, sy – coordinates in S-JTSK lat, lon – GPS coordinates of the stop sta – identification of the platform within the stop nu – unique name
Interconnection with other data Stops in GTFS are identified by U and Z pair Attributes u and z in stops.xml Stop names match in 99 % Some stops may have same name though they are far away from each other Line “aliases” match to line numbers (“Lxxx” in GTFS) Regular departure times match in 99 % Except for metro lines (rounded to minutes)
Limitations No vehicle position data from Prague Transit Co. Predicted delay always zero zpoz=“0” sled=“false”
Limitations Weak server Please do not use the web service too extensively Only for single queries Not intended for repeated batch download
Thank you for your attention Zbyněk Jiráček, ROPID