n Physics at ESS and the upgrades needed for the ESSnuSB


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Presentation transcript:

n Physics at ESS and the upgrades needed for the ESSnuSB Elena Wildner, CERN For the ESSnuSB Collaboration

European Spallation Source, ESS Artist’s view of the European Spallation Source, ESS Lund, Sweden 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

ESS Linac Linac ready by 2023: full power and energy (5 MW, 2 GeV) Upgrade (n+n) Upgrade energy 10 MW 2 GeV 2.5 GeV 62.5 mA 50 mA < 2.86/4 ms ≥ 28 Hz 45 MV/m 352.5 m 352.5 + ca 70 m ms P + P+ and H- P+ and H- Linac ready by 2023: full power and energy (5 MW, 2 GeV) 2.7 1023 p.o.t. per year 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

ESSnuSB layout on the ESS site 2.5 GeV 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

ESS construction site February 2016 ν p n H- 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

The MEMPHYS detector MEgaton Mass PHYSics (~20xSuperK) (30 % optical coverage) Neutrino Oscillations (Super Beam) Proton decay Astroparticles Understand the gravitational collapsing: galactic SN ν Supernovae "relics" Solar Neutrinos Atmospheric Neutrinos JHEP 0704 (2007) 003, [hep-ph/060317], arxiv.org/pdf/1206.6665.pdf & EUROnu collaboration (EU) Near Detector at 500 m: WC technology, 5m radius, 10m long A. Burgman, A neutrino detector design-a simulation study on the design of the cherenkov near detector of the proposed ESSnuSB [M.S. thesis], Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 2015. E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016 9/9/2016

Mines in Scandinavia The Garpenberg mine is ca 540 km from ESS, close to second osc. max. The ESS n beam, with the Garpenberg Mine situated at a distance corresponding to the second oscillation maximum gives an excellent setup for exploiting a large CP-violation Signal Kongsberg L=480, D=1200m 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

P(nm ne), three terms to distinguish dcp Different scales Atmospheric Solar Interference 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

Interference term for different dCP q13=8.7 S. Parke 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

P(nm ne), three terms to distinguish dcp Different scales Atmospheric Solar Interference 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

Choice of detector distance Garpenberg (540 km) 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

Systematic errors, default and optimistic Accuracy @ 1 s: Q12 3 % sin22Q23 2% sin22Q13 0.5% 4% 3% Unknown Hierarchy The default is used in the simulations E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016 9/9/2016

ESSnuSB as shape measurement experiment 2 years of data taking Each histogram divided by the total number of events Systematic normalization errors suppressed Observed differences can be compared to statistical errors. Only very modest discrimination between the different dCP values No shape information 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

ESSnuSB as counting experiment Total number of ne and ne 2 years n 8 years n Statistical errors about equal to the 7% systematic errors. 2.5 GeV (energy upgrade of ESS) would be more favorable 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

ESSnuSB as ratio counting expt M. Olvegård Syst. and stat. errors balanced Range of variation +0.75->-0.6 Good discrimination between the different δCP values 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

CP violation discovery and event statistics 71 % 69 % 65 % 56 % Upper bound: NH Lower bound: Hierarchy unknown Nominal exposure: 8 years n+2 years n Systematic errors: “SBOpt” 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

Discovery of CP violation, comparison Systematic errors: “SBDef.” ESSnuSB360 ESSnuSB540 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

ESSnuSB second maximum Relative difference in counts at maximum between dcp p/2 and dcp 3p/2 Hyper-K first maximum 430/275 = 1.6 LBNE/DUNE first maximum 150/100 = 1.5 ESSnuSB second maximum 105/22 = 4.8 Sensitivity ~ 3 times higher T. Ekelöf 19 9/9/2016

Proton Accumulator to shorten linac pulses The ESS pulse is too long Ohmic heating of horn current carrying surface, 350kA Solution: Shorten the pulse by accumulation in a ring Challenge: 1.1 1015 protons per 2.86 ms pulse accumulated intensity unprecedented extraction of 1.32ms long proton pulses Start with accumulation of ¼ of the intensity in 4 stacked accumulators or by making four shorter pulses of 2.86/4 Red: H- Blue: H+ 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

Proton Accumulator: First design Based on the optics of SNS, Oakridge Simulations with ¼ * 1.1 1015 protons or more Challenge: injection of protons not efficient H- injection needed The ESS Linac needs some upgrades and studies for H- acceleration, (existing: studies and operation SNS & Linac4, studies of CERN SPL ) Target emitance goal: 100 (8.5 norm) mm mrad Linac emittance 0.25 mm mrad Injection painting to get a suitable distribution “Simple formula” for first estimations: No Space Charge problem: DQ~0.25 However tracking is needed to confirm. Collaboration CERN - Uppsala University 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

Accumulator Results I Preliminary layout design of H- beam transport lines on the site taking into account Lorentz stripping for max 2.5 GeV Simulations are done at 2.0 GeV for the time being Space charge challenges and instabilities are more important at low energy Design of an accumulator ring and optics Calculation of Foil Stripping Injection of H- (emittances and foil temperatures) Temperatures not higher than what can be accepted (from presently running experiments) However we know from SNS opertation that foils need attention Simulations with modern multiparticle tracking codes to evaluate emittances and beam sizes Space charge is not a show stopper Emittances growth (bench marked with simpler code) but this can be handled Good tune settings and best painting schemes will be calculated to minimize the space charge effects What next: Optics tuning Injection optimization Collimation Magnet choice Instability calculations, collective effects 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

Accumulator Results II ¼ of total intensity in one ring Goal: 100 mm mrad (norm) Optimize optics Space Charge on/off M. Olvegård 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

Previous Expertise ESSνSB BENE (2004-2008) ISS (2005-2007) EUROν (2008-2012) LAGUNA (2008-2010) LAGUNA-LBNO (2010-2014) SNS (USA) E. Baussan, J. Bielski, C. Bobeth et al., “Neutrino super beam based on a superconducting proton linac,” Physical Review Special Topics, Accelerators and Beams, vol. 17, no. 3, Article ID 031001, 26 pages, 2014. NOW 2014, 10/9 E. Wildner, CERN

Information and references used for this presentation can be found in: The Opportunity Offered by the ESSnuSB Project to Exploit the Larger Leptonic CP Violation Signal at the Second Oscillation Maximum and the Requirements of This Project on the ESS Accelerator Complex E. Wildner,1 E. Baussan,2 M. Blennow,3 M. Bogomilov,4 A. Burgman,5 E. Bouquerel,2 C. Carlile,6 J. Cederkäll,5 P. Christiansen,5 P. Cupial,7 H. Danared,8 M. Dracos,2 T. Ekelöf,6 M. Eshraqi,8 R. Hall-Wilton,8 J.-P. Koutchouk,1,6 M. Lindroos,8 M. Martini,1 R. Matev,4 D. McGinnis,8 R. Miyamoto,8 T. Ohlsson,3 H. Öhman,6 M. Olvegård,6 R. Ruber,6 H. Schönauer,1 J. Y. Tang,9 R. Tsenov,4 G. Vankova-Kirilova,4 and N. Vassilopoulos9 ,,CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland2I PHC, Universite´ de Strasbourg, CNRS/IN2P3, 67037 Strasbourg, France3 Department of Theoretical Physics, School of Engineering Sciences, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, AlbaNova University Center, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden 4Department of Atomic Physics, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria 5Department of Physics, Lund University, P.O. Box 118, 221 00 Lund, Sweden 6Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, P.O. Box 516, 75120 Uppsala, Sweden 7 AGH University of Science and Technology, Aleja Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland 8 European Spallation Source, ESS ERIC, P.O. Box 176, 221 00 Lund, Sweden Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, Beijing 100049, China Accepted for publication Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in High Energy Physics Article ID 873567 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

ESS Neutrino Super Beam Collaboration arXiv:1309.7022 14 participating institutes from 10 different countries, among them ESS and CERN NOW 2014, 10/9

CERN-ACC-NOTE-2016-0050 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

Support and Funding ESSnuSB is supported by the Swedish Government, ESS and the Mine Company and the local Authorities. An EU COST network application for ESSuSB was accepted : ”….The present project is unique in Europe and is building on a number of previous European projects. For the time being only two other similar projects exist, in the USA and in Japan. The project is not only complementary to the projects in the USA and Japan but also competitive….” ESSnuSB applications submitted to the Swedish SRC and to the European Economic Growth Foundation. Submission of a EU Design Study application is planned for autumn 2016. Funding of the Design Study remains a critical item. 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

Diversity for the future? nuSTORM ~1010 m/pulse in 200 < P(MeV/c) < 500 (if 1021 p/5years → 4.32x1017 μ/year) ESSνSB Input beam for future 6D m cooling experiments muons/proton ~1012 m/pulse in 200 < P(MeV/c) < 500 (for 1 m2) (2.6x1020 μ/year, at the level of the beam dump) 22 Nov. 2013 M. Dracos E (GeV)

Summary The ESSnuSB - has excellent and competitive physics potential for CP violation studies, - takes advantage of the ESS spallation accelerator, already financed and under construction, - has support (mine, ESS, Swedish government, Swedish authorities…) - has a strong group of 11 institutes that will bring the project up to a Design Report, - profits from earlier developments for the EUROnu SPL superbeam, including the target station and the far detector, - has ongoing development on accumulator, beamlines, and near detector… - is hoping/waiting for funding agencies to answer positively Thank you ! 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

When and to what price ? Total price of ESSnuSB including the detector is 1.2 BEUR: 100 MEUR linac 200 MEUR accumulator 200 MEUR target station 700 MEUR the far detector If the CDR is ready in 2018, we could start construction when the neutron facility is ready, i.e., 2023. The construction will last up to 2030-2032 when we will be able to start data taking. If LBNE starts earlier (e.g. 2029-2030), in one or two years ESSnuSB will accumulate more protons on the target than LBNE. NOW 2014, 10/9 E. Wildner, CERN

ENUBET meeting in Padova 23 June 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University Supported by the owner of the mine and by the local authorities In a memorandum of Understanding the owner of the Garpenberg Mine, Boliden AB, authorizes ESSnuSB to access and investigate the mine and to consult with the personnel. Discussions with the Chair of the Dalarna Region and the Mayor of the local commune: great local enthusiasm for having the detector located in the Garpenberg mine. Garpenberg Mine Dalahäst Mascot of Dalarna ENUBET meeting in Padova 23 June 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University 2016-06-23

Support by ESS ESS CEO Jim Yeck : ESS management agrees to provide information and general support for the ESSnuSB collaboration’s ongoing studies.” Collaboration on preparations during linac build-up of power up-grade: power upgrades of tetrodes and modulators, keeping site areas for accumulator, target with decay tunnel and near detector free from other use A Workshop on “Upgrading Existing High Power Proton Linacs” 8-9 November 2016 at ESS in Lund The study of the upgrade of the ESS linac has an interest for several applications in addition to that which ESSnuSB represents like spallation neutrons, ADS, transmutation of nuclear waste, nuSTORM, Neutrino Factory, Muon Collider… 9/9/2016 E. Wildner, CERN, NOW 2016

The Swedish Government During the two last years we have had three meetings with the Director General of Research at the Swedish Ministry of Research and Education to report on the progress in the planning of ESSnuSB. On 15 April 2015, State Secretary at the Ministry of Research: ESSnuSB project to the agenda of the Swedish government. The Scientific Councellor Mats Engström at the Embassy of Sweden in Japan was present in the The Third International Meeting for Large Neutrino Infrastructures 30-31 maj 2016 in Tsukuba, including the closed agency meeting there, with the mission to report back to the Swedish Government. ENUBET meeting in Padova 23 June 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University 2016-06-23

ENUBET meeting in Padova 23 June 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University Preparing the ESS linac for operation at 10 MW/8% duty cycle/28 Hz For the medium-beta elliptical-cavity part ESS is planning to use tetrodes. Thales has developed a new screen grid with graded wire thickness such that the heating is evenly distributed over the hight of the screen grid, thereby making operation at 10 % duty cycle possible. For the warm low-energy part of the ESS linac and the medium energy Elliptical-cavities part, ESS is planning to use modulators of the modular klystron modulator type which can be run at 28 Hz at double power by adding a capacitor charger-unit at the input. For the high energy elliptical Cavities IOTs will be used which by design can operate CW. 2016-06-23 ENUBET meeting in Padova 23 June 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University

ENUBET meeting in Padova 23 June 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University FREIA The picture shows the cryostat and test bunker at the FREIA Lab in Uppsala where a first prototype of the ESS 352 MHz spoke accelerating cavity is currently under test at 14 Hz and later on will be tested at 28 Hz. Modulators for the high beta part of the linac will also be tested at 28 Hz. 2016-06-23 ENUBET meeting in Padova 23 June 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University