India Group member
Contents Geography & Environment Society & Culture Economy & Trade Business etiquettes
Geography & Environment Full name:Republic of India Location :southern Asia Capital : New Delhi Area: 3.17 million square km ,the seventh in the world Climate: varies from tropical monsoon in south to temperate in north
Population: 1.21 billion people, the second most populous nation Language : more than 1,500 languages and dialects are spoken .English and Hindi are official languages. Religion: Hinduism, Islam,Buddhists , Jains, and Bahai, Sikhs and Christians
Natural resources Main resource: mica and coal . remains the world's No. 1 for the storage and output of mica. And the coal is the fourth . Other resource: iron ore, manganese, fossil oil, coal gas, diamond etc.
symbols of India
Father of Nation
National Flower
National Bird
Social and Culture The influences of Hinduism and the tradition of the caste system have created a culture that emphasizes established hierarchical relationships. Indians are always conscious of social order and their status relative to other people. All relationships involve hierarchies.
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Etiquettes and taboos Just Can't Say No Indians do not like to express 'no,' This behavior should not be considered dishonest. An Indian would be considered terribly rude if he did not attempt to give a person what had been asked. Meeting Etiquette Normal greeting :Hold hands, palms together, under the chin and say, "Namaste," means "peace." A light handshake is considered the most polite form of greeting in India. It is considered impolite to offer your hand first to shake with a women, because of religious beliefs.
Gift Giving Etiquette Table manners Gifts are not opened when received Do not give frangipani or white flowers as they are used at funerals. Yellow, green and red are lucky colours, so try to use them to wrap gifts A gift from a man should be said to come from both he and his wife/mother/sister or some other female relative. Table manners Eaten with the fingers Guests are often served in a particular order Always use your right hand to eat, whether you are using utensils or your fingers. Leaving a small amount of food on your plate indicates that you are satisfied. Finishing all your food means that you are still hungry.
Economy & Trade India is the world's twelfth largest economy at market exchange rates and the fourth largest in purchasing power. Economic reforms have transformed it into the second fastest growing large economy.
India is one of the most heavily industrialized areas in the world, with an increasingly middle-class population. Agriculture makes up some 25% of the gross domestic product (GDP) and employs almost 70% of the Indian people.
There are still one fourth of population live below the poverty line.
Industry . Industry in India traditionally limited to agricultural processing and light manufacturing, especially of cotton, woolen, silk textiles, and leather products. India also produces large amounts of machine tools, transportation equipment, chemicals, and cut diamonds and has a significant computer software industry.
Chief imports :machinery, petroleum, fertilizers, and chemicals. Leading exports :gems and jewelry, clothing, engineering goods, chemicals, computer software, cotton thread, fabric, and handicrafts. Chief imports :machinery, petroleum, fertilizers, and chemicals.
India's major trade partners : the United States, European Union countries, Hong Kong, Kuwait, Saudia Arabia, and Japan.
Indian Business Etiquettes India's economy is rapidly expanding, there are opportunities for Indian professionals to work with international clients who can outsource work to them.
Dress Dress should be formal and conservative. Men should wear dark-colored suits with ties, while women should wear conservative skirt suits or dresses.
Punctuality Professionals in India greatly value punctuality. It is essential that all business meeting participants be on time. .
Meetings Always send a detailed agenda in advance of any meeting. You should always arrive on time for meetings. After initial introductions, meetings are usually be preceded by some small talk.
small talks Proper topics: marital status, children, educational backgrounds etc. Bad topics: religion or politics, Indian caste system etc.
Indian professionals prefer a business lunch to dinner. Meals Indian professionals prefer a business lunch to dinner. Muslims do not eat pork and Hindus do not eat beef. At the end of a meal that is provided by an Indian host, it is impolite to say "thank you."
Business Cards They are usually exchanged at the beginning of a meeting, after participants have greeted one another. The cards should always be given and received with the right hand.
Being patient during a negotiation process is also very necessary. Negotiations It is very important for international participants to maintain an agreeable attitude during meetings. Being patient during a negotiation process is also very necessary. It is also best not to use the word "no" when negotiating.
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