Mine Health and Safety Council Presentation to PPC: Mineral Resources 14 October 2015 Thabo Dube
Contents Introduction of MHSC Team Mission & Vision Overall Performance & Auditor General Report Performance Against Strategic Objectives Conclusion
Vision and Mission VISION statement The Mine Health and Safety Council has a vision to be a knowledge leader and the trusted advisor to the Minister of Mineral Resources and Stakeholders on occupational health and safety matters, and to promote the transformation of occupational health and safety in the mining industry towards the achievement of Zero Harm to Mine Workers and Mining Communities. MISSION STATEMENT To promote a culture of occupational health and safety in the mining industry by providing advice to the Minister of Mineral Resources, liaising with statutory bodies, fostering an effective tripartite partnership, and creating and disseminating information on leading practices to the mining industry. GOAL MHSC is pursuing the following goal: Zero Harm to employees and communities as result of mining activities and Providing Knowledge Leadership in Mining OHS All the strategic objectives are linked to this goal 3
THE MHSC Mine Health and Safety Council Mining Regulations Advisory Committee (MRAC) Mining Occupational Health Advisory Committee (MOHAC) Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee (SIMRAC) Mining Industry HIV/AIDS and TB Advisory Committee (MITHAC) Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) Culture Transformation Advisory Committee(CTAC) State Labour Employers Human Resources & Remuneration Advisory Committee (HRRAC) Health Policy Health information Health Regulations / Research input Research needs Research programmes Legislation Regulations Guidelines Standards Oversight role on the overall Implementation of culture transformation HIV/AIDS and TB Programmes MHSC Office: Operations, Execution and Implementation 4
MHSC’s Strategic Plan Outline MHSC Strategic plan: 5 year rolling Plan Based on Tripartite Stakeholder Needs, Inputs; Mining industry Opportunities and Challenges; Industry Initiatives and Action Plans in Relation to OHS 5
Performance on Financial Perspective Financial sustainability of the organisation and utilisation of financial resources Under this Perspective both Strategic Objectives were Achieved General Improvement in research spending and overall usage of financial resources Areas of Concern were the following: Total actual expenditure was below the budget due Challenges in filling of vacancies and Underspending on operating and research expenses. There has been an overall improvement in spending as result of closer monitoring of research service providers and general expenditure Finance Perspective Strategic Objective F1 F2 Ensure Financial Sustainability of MHSC Ensure Efficient & Effective Utilisation of Financial Resources 6 6
Financial performance overview 2015 Actual Budget Variance Revenue R'000 Non exchange Levies & transfer 75,628 75,655 (27) Health and Safety funds 642 2,150 (1,508) Exchange Other income 312 (312) Interest income 11,564 6,175 5,389 Total revenue 88,146 83,980 4,166 Expenditure Personnel 26,895 31,016 4,121 Depreciation and amortisation 3,825 3,834 9 Finance costs 37 57 20 Repairs and maintenance Operating expenses 22,254 25,936 3,682 Research expenses 14,870 17,927 3,057 Total expenditure 67,881 78,770 10,889 Surplus/(Deficit) 20,265 5,210 15,055 7
Audit Report Unqualified Audit Opinion Matters affecting audit report - Failure to declare interest by bid committee member (BEC) resulted into the MHSC incurring an irregular expenditure. Investigation is currently underway relating to the irregular expenditure of R626 000.00 Below is the trend on how MHSC has performed in managing the irregular expenditure: 2015 R’000 2014 2013 626 37 2 651 8
Performance on Internal Process Perspective Inward focus to ensure organisational performance: effectiveness and efficiency Under this Perspective: 3 out of 4 Objectives were Achieved Action Plan to Address Procurement Challenges and Improve Turnaround Times: Continuous Training of Supply chain Management Practitioners including various committee members participating in Bid Committees Capacitation of SCM Unit Improvement of procurement planning On going training of SCM practitioners Review of SCM policies and procedures Tightened performance reviews and accountability on SCM staff members Electronic Supplier database enhanced Internal Perspective Strategic Objective IP1 Improving Turnaround Time for Procurement of Services to Ensure Delivery by MHSC IP2 Enhance Effectiveness of Employee Performance Management Process IP3 Deliver MHSC Projects on Brief, Budget and Time (BBT) Implement Knowledge and Information Management System to Support Staff and Stakeholders IP4 10 10
MHSC Initiatives- Research Projects for 14/15 The MHSC has approved the new programme of work for the new financial year: Thrust Area Research Project Rockfalls and Rockursts 1. Technology Transfer on Support Design in Bushveld Complex Improving Barring Practices Integration of South African National Seismograph Network and Database with Networks Fluid-induced seismicity in Central Basin Area Technology Transfer of Minimising Risk in Platinum Mines Physical hazards 1.Feasible Methodologies to Aid Escape in Poor Visibility Underground Occupational Diseases 1. Operational Manual on Code of Practice for Personal Exposure to Airborne Pollutants 2. Impact of ARV’s on Audiometry System 3. Health Impacts Associated with Dust from Mine Tailings Special Projects Handbook on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Women South African Standards for Ground Vibrations, Noise, Airblast and FlyRock Near Surface Structures Summit Initiatives Projects Development of a South African Minimum Standard on Ground Vibration, Noise, Air blast and Fly rock Near Surface Structures to be Protected. Promotional Material to Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Mining Industry Training Review of OHS Reps and Shop Stewards Summit Handbook: Road to Zero Harm Promotion of Leading Practices on TB in the Mining Industry 11 11
2014-15 Research Completed Noise Controls for Mining Equipment Behavior Change Monitoring Relating Leading Practice Adoption Safety and Security Challenges Impacting on Women Thermal Stress Management Right to Refuse Dangerous Work Summit Handbook: Zero Harm Journey 2003 to 2013 Occupational Health and Safety and Safety Milestone Data Analysis 12
Research Outcomes Noise Control on Machinery Measuring of surface noise levels and developing underground equivalent noise levels by installing silencers Safety and Security Challenges Impacting on Women Various approaches to be adopted by mines in dealing with sexual harassment issues Promotional Material for Prevention of Sexual Harassment Development of posters, DVD and booklet 13 13
Sexual Harrassment Prevention Promotional Material 14
Performance on Learning & Growth Perspective Capacity & Skills towards Continuous Improvement & Creating Conducive Environment Under this Perspective: 1 out of 2 Objectives Achieved. Initiatives to Address the Organisational Climate and Environment Policies impacting issues of moral and organisational are being reviewed and refined Implementation of revised climate survey action plan in consultation with unions Committee has been established to address organisational climate issues and is working effectively The gender profile has improved across various levels of the organisation, through targeted recruitment process. Learning and Growth Strategic Objective LP1 Ensure MHSC Office Staff and Council Members have Adequate skills and Required Competencies Through Continuous Development LP2 Improve Climate and Environment to Make it Conducive for Good Staff Morale within MHSC 15 15
Performance on Customer and Stakeholder Perspective COMMENTARY Customer Perspective: “tripartite stakeholder satisfaction with the MHSC” Under this Perspective :Both Strategic Objectives Achieved Industry Mandatory Guidelines Management of Cyanide Thermal Stress Management Right to Refuse Dangerous Work and Leave Working Place Personal Protective Equipment for Women Advisory Notes Mining Charter Guidance Note Prevention of Sexual Harassment Promotional Material Policy Options on to Reduce Negative Impacts of Migration Access to Electronic and Manual TB Register Re-examination of Return to Risk Work of Miners with HIV/Aids, TB and Silicosis Extending Mine Hospital Service to Surrounding Communities Safety and Security Issues Impacting on Women in the Mining Industry Regulations Explosives Mine Rescue Services Customer Perspective Strategic Objective CO1 Delivery Against MHSC Mandate and MHSC Summit Action Plans on OHS to Ensure Stakeholder Satisfaction Promote and Communicate MHSC Programmes to Improves OHS Awareness CO2 16 16
Performance on Customer and Stakeholder Perspective COMMENTARY Customer Perspective: “tripartite stakeholder satisfaction with the MHSC” Promotional Other Events Undertaken: 2014 Mine Occupational Health and Safety Summit Safety Commemoration Day Coal Safe Conference World Aids Day and HIV/Aids Awareness Mining Lekgotla Mining Indaba TB Awareness day and Consultative Customer Perspective Strategic Objective CO1 Delivery Against MHSC Mandate and MHSC Summit Action Plans on OHS to Ensure Stakeholder Satisfaction Promote and Communicate MHSC Programmes to Improves OHS Awareness CO2 17 17
Showcasing: PPE for Women in Mining 18
Regional Tripartite Forums (RTF’s) Engagements with Stakeholders at Regional Level Distributions Channels for Promotion & Awareness Activities Feedback Mechanisms in terms of Relevance and Industry Needs Continuous improvement in terms of effectiveness 19
MHSC Initiatives- Promotions of Outcomes MHSC Promotional Activities Exhibitions, Participation in Various Events 2. OHS Women In Mining Conference 20 20
Principals Approval of New Summit Milestones Milestones The milestones were developed collaboratively between the stakeholders agreed upon by our Principals The spirit of tripartism should continue to prevail in implementing all initiatives of the summit milestones
New Summit Milestones Each milestone has clear action plans initiatives and Implementation of critical activities such as: Adoption of leading practices Implementation of research outcomes Clear timeframes, roles and responsibilities for implementation of summit action plans
New Summit Milestones ELIMINATION OF FATALITIES AND INJURIES Every mining company must have a target of ZERO FATALITIES Every Fatality is one too many, target to eliminate fatalities by December 2020. Up to December 2016, 20% reduction in Serious Injuries* per year. From January 2017, 20% reduction in Lost Time Injuries (LTI**) per year. *Serious injury is an injury which either incapacitates the injured employee from performing that employee’s normal or similar occupation for a period totaling 14 days of more or which causes the injured employee to suffer the loss of a joint, or part of a joint, or sustain a permanent disability. **LTI is any injury which incapacitates the injured employee’s normal or similar occupation the next calendar day.
New Summit Milestones ELIMINATION OF NOISE INDUCED HEARING LOSS Quietening of Equipment By December 2024, the total operational or process noise emitted by any equipment must not exceed a milestone sound pressure level of 107 dB(A). (This milestone of the sound pressure levels will be verified by initiatives under the CoE and MOSH and reviewed in 2016) For the Individual By December 2016, no employee’s Standard Threshold Shift (STS) will exceed 25 dB from the baseline when averaged at 2000, 3000 and 4000 Hz in one or both ears
New Summit Milestones Reduction and Prevention of TB, HIV & AIDS Infections By December 2024, the TB incidence rate should be at or below the National TB incident rate and 100% of employees should be offered HIV Counselling and Testing (HCT) annually with all eligible employees linked to an Antiretroviral Therapy Treatment (ART) programme as per the National Strategic Plan (NSP).
New Summit Milestones Culture Transformation Framework (CTF) Implementation of the approved framework By December 2020 there will be 100% implementation of: The Leadership Pillar of the CTF The Risk Management Pillar of the CTF The Bonus and Performance Incentive Pillar of the CTF The Data Management Pillar of the CTF The Diversity Management of the CTF The Leading Practice pillar of the CTF After December 2020 the remaining pillars will be implemented: The Integrated Mining Activity Pillar of the CTF The Technology Pillar of the CTF The Inspectorate Pillar of the CTF Tripartism Pillar of the CTF Regulatory Framework Pillar of the CTF
Centre of Excellence (CoE) Launch 27
CoE Quick Win Projects Understanding the Impact of Technology on People in the South African Mining Sector Underground and surface Communication System Rockmass Condition Assessment Tools Independent Support Testing Capability Continuous Dust Monitoring and Suppression Missing Persons Locator Systems Collision Management Systems Statutory Equipment 28