Bicycling in Minneapolis Bicycle Master Plan/Protected Bikeway Update Matthew Dyrdahl, Minneapolis Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator Move Minneapolis Transportation Summit March 15, 2017 03/15/2017
Minneapolis Bicycling Guidance Bicycle Master Plan/Protected Bikeway Update Downtown Action Plan
What is a protected bikeway? Sometimes call separated bikeways or cycletracks A bicycle facility that is physically separated from motor vehicle traffic Off-street trails are the most common type of protected bikeway in Minneapolis Protected bikeways are increasingly being located within street corridors and physically separated from traffic lanes
Recap of the Protected Bikeway Plan Up to 48 miles of projects Many projects are already planned/funded/built Bikeway Type Existing Mileage Recommended Mileage Protected Bikeways 1 48 Bike Lanes 33 Shared Lanes 3 Bike Boulevards To Be Determined 6* Total 37 55
Bicycle Network In Downtown Protected Bicycle Facility On-Street Bicycle Facility
2016 New + Modified Network Segments 15.9 miles Protected Bikeway 7.8 miles Bike Lane 8.1 miles Bike Blvd <0.1 miles Shared Lane 0 miles
2016 Bikeway Network 235 miles Protected Bikeway 109 miles Bike Lane Bike Blvd 21 miles Shared Lane 14 miles Includes City of Minneapolis, Hennepin County, MnDOT and Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board projects
Examples of recent bikeway projects
26th Ave N Sidepath installed with reconstruction project – W Broadway Ave N to Humboldt Ave N segment completed in 2016
East Bank Trail Above the Falls trail connection installed between Plymouth Ave Bridge and 18th Ave NE
Hennepin Ave Bridge Shoulders widened to be buffered bike lanes
1st Ave N Lane reduction, parking changes, and modification of bikeway Before
3rd Ave S Protected bikeway installed between 1st St S and 16th St E – additional improvements in 2017
Park/Portland Ave S Protected bikeway installed in coordination with new development and Commons project
6th St S Trail Sidepath and trail installed in coordination with US Bank Stadium
11th Ave S Protected bikeway connection between 6th St S and West River Pkwy
Hennepin/Lyndale Ave S Sidewalk/bikeway separated with reconstruction project
7th St N aBRT Pilot Station Includes bike lane bypass behind station area
What’s Next Continue to build new protected bikeways Explore emerging practices Protected Intersections Floating bus stops