The Wright Brothers The Aeroplane By Lucy Gregory The Wright Brothers
Life Wilbur Wright Was born in 1867 and sadly died in 1912 his brother was born in 1871 and also sadly died in 1948 they both were great inventors and greatly missed.
Notes The Wright Brothers created the first successful plane . Their “Flyer” lifted level from the ground to the north of Big Kill Devil Hill at 10:35am. On December 17 1903 Orville piloted the 605 pound machine. (plane)
The difficult things Wilbur quoted “I found the control of the front rudder quite difficult.” The conditions on the morning on December 17th were perfect for flight. His diary marks all of what happened.
The Wright Brothers Diary We woke up to the wind blowing 20 to25 miles heading North. We got the plane out nice and early one morning and put out the signal for the men to get ready for lift off.
End Thank you for reading my looking at my slide I hope you enjoyed my facts on the wright brothers.