student from grade four THROUGH MY EYES ROMAN LAVIČKA student from grade four England - 2005 school study stay (translated by Michael Vlček / student from grade seven)
Worthing The students of lower grades from our school took a studying trip to a small city near Bristol, to Worthing in Great Britain with their English teachers. Worthing is the city with small terraced houses and with a big beach. About 100.000 residents live in the city. I was surprised with the morning traffic jam, it looked like in Prague.
Accommodation The students were staying in English families - two students in one. We were staying a little terraced house with a nice family. I noticed there was too much dirt everywhere unlike our households but got used to it in several days. I liked all the family was talking to us in very intelligible English. Taking care of foreign students was something like their second job. I spent one week with the family and it was a very nice week and a nice family. I must also admit my pronunciation has improved.
School and classes The school was situated next to a church and resembled a two - storey family house. Well, the school consists of only three bigger or smaller classrooms. We were divided into groups. Each group had its own nice teacher. The morning teaching were two lessons and one lesson took ninety minutes. The break between lessons took twenty minutes . We were taught through solving questions on a given topic we had got from our teacher. During the second lesson we were practising in common use of phrases and grammar.
Daily program Every day we woke up at about seven o'clock Western European time, at about eight o'clock our time. We had to be at school at half-past eight for the morning class. Then we were going sightseeing by bus with other tourists. We visited cliffs Seven Sisters, the Dover beach and martial covers Canterbury Cathedral, Seslice in Brighton, contraband caves and London. In the evenings we came back home to eat, to talk to our family and to go to bed.
In the end I think the whole week in England gave me more than I had expected. I have enriched my English knowledge. I could see beautiful southern part of the British island. I tried to live in English way of life. I got familiar with the inscrutability of the English weather. I am really happy I've brought splendid experience. I can recommend a similar trip with our school to everyone.