Why /Why don’t you?.


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Presentation transcript:

Why /Why don’t you?

A. 詢問別人為何做了某事? Why did / didn’t you 動詞? did you make so many mistakes this time? didn’t you come to school yesterday?

I didn’t come to school yesterday B. 說明解釋原因 主詞+動詞 because I made so many mistakes I was sleepy. I didn’t come to school yesterday I was sick.

【練習】請依據範例,利用提示字造問句與答句 範例:didn’t / Judy / go to school / yesterday / holiday Why didn’t Judy go to school yesterday? She didn’t go to school because it was a holiday.

1. did / Gordon / take a taxi / yesterday / late for school Why did Gordon take a taxi yesterday? He took a taxi because he was late for school.

Why didn’t Victoria call her mom last night? 2. didn’t / Victoria / call her mom / last night / phone / out of order Why didn’t Victoria call her mom last night? She didn’t call her mom because the phone was out of order.

3. did / Amy / go to bed early / last Wednesday / have a headache Why did Amy go to bed early last Wednesday? She went to bed early because she had a headache.

4. did / Debby / miss the bus / last Thursday / wake up late Why did Debby miss the bus last Thursday? She missed the bus because she woke up late

5. didn’t / Jimmy / visit us / last weekend / sick Why didn’t Jimmy visit us last weekend? He didn’t visit us because he was sick.

結果 + because (of) + 原因 = Because (of) 原因, 結果 = 原因, so 結果

【練習】請依據範例,完成下列句子 範例:I couldn’t get into my house because I lost my keys. = Because I lost my keys, I couldn’t get into my house. = I lost my keys, so I couldn’t get into my house.

1. Peter fell asleep this morning because he went to bed late last night. = Because Peter went to bed late last night, he fell asleep this morning. = Peter went to bed late last night, so he fell asleep this morning.

2. Maggie couldn’t go out to play because of rain yesterday. = Because of rain yesterday, Maggie couldn’t go out to play. = It rained yesterday, so Maggie couldn’t go out to play.

3. Helen had a stomachache because she ate too much food. = Because Helen ate too much food, she had a stomachache. = Helen ate too much food, so she had a stomachache.

4. Andy didn’t eat breakfast because he woke up late. = Because Andy woke up late, he didn’t eat breakfast. = Andy woke up late, so he didn’t eat breakfast.

5. Mr. Wu was late for school because he took the wrong bus. = Because Mr. Wu took the wrong bus, he was late for school. = Mr. Wu took the wrong bus, so he was late for school.

6. 請問一下。我要如何到那家餐廳? Excuse me. How do I get to the restaurant?

7. 圖書館的對面就是間教堂。 Across from the library is a church.

8. 加油站就在一街和二街的交叉口。 The gas station is on the corner of First Street and Second Street.

9. 在下一個轉角右轉。你就會看到博物館在你的右手邊。 Turn right on the next corner. Then you can see the museum on your right.

Good bye