28 October 2016 Webex IPv6 over the TSCH mode of IEEE 802.15.4e Chairs: Pascal Thubert Thomas Watteyne Etherpad for minutes: http://etherpad.tools.ietf.org:9000/p/6tisch?useMonospaceFont=true
Note Well This summary is only meant to point you in the right direction, and doesn't have all the nuances. The IETF's IPR Policy is set forth in BCP 79; please read it carefully. The brief summary: By participating with the IETF, you agree to follow IETF processes. If you are aware that a contribution of yours (something you write, say, or discuss in any IETF context) is covered by patents or patent applications, you need to disclose that fact. You understand that meetings might be recorded, broadcast, and publicly archived. For further information, talk to a chair, ask an Area Director, or review the following: BCP 9 (on the Internet Standards Process) BCP 25 (on the Working Group processes) BCP 78 (on the IETF Trust) BCP 79 (on Intellectual Property Rights in the IETF) 2 2
Reminder: Minutes are taken. This meeting is recorded Reminder: Minutes are taken * This meeting is recorded ** Presence is logged *** * Scribe; please contribute online to the minutes at: http://etherpad.tools.ietf.org:9000/p/6tisch?useMonospaceFont=true ** Recordings and Minutes are public and may be subject to discovery in the event of litigation. *** From the Webex login 3 3 3 3
Agenda Administrivia [2min] Agenda bashing Approval minutes from last meeting draft-ietf-6tisch-6top-protocol-03 (authors) [10min] draft-ietf-6tisch-6top-sf0-02 (authors) [10min] draft-vucinic-6tisch-minimal-security-00 (Malisa) [10min] draft-richardson-6tisch-dtsecurity-secure-join-01 (Michael) [10min] Getting organized for IETF 97 (chairs) [10min] AOB [2min] 4 4 4 4 4
News from ROLL and 6lo Paging Dispatch at 6lo and Routing Dispatch at ROLL, passed IESG Backbone router WG doc being split -> RFC6775 update Still lacking support to draft-sarikaya-6lo-ap- nd-04
Admin is trivia Approval Agenda Approval minutes 7 7 7 7
draft-ietf-6tisch-6top-sf0 Created tickets on the issue tracker Solved as many tickets as possible Ticket 51: Editorial Changes Removed acronyms and used the following terms: Incoming traffic Effectively Used Cells Outgoing Cells Improved introduction explaining the purpose and the SF0 design Corrected the Allocation Policy figure 10 10 10 10
draft-ietf-6tisch-6top-sf0 Ticket 53: Timeout calculation There is still an open discussion on this matter, I would ask Nicola to add a more detailed explanation on the current formula. There is a contradiction on the 6P draft, first saying that the SF MAY define the timeout on section 4.1.1 and then that the SF MUST define the timeout on section 5.2 11 11 11 11
draft-ietf-6tisch-6top-sf0 Ticket 55: Comply with 6P requirements for SFs Added a compliance section taken from the requirement list on the 6P draft Only missing two MUST items: Timeout Statistics (PDR) definition Ticket 57: Improve figure on SF0 allocation policy Overlaps with one of the items from editorial changes. Done. 12 12 12 12
draft-ietf-6tisch-6top-sf0 Ticket 56: Performance evaluation There is still no performance evaluation available. I have a student working on it, but still no results. I ask volunteers to help on this issue. Ticket 58: Meaning of Metadata The metadata fields are explained on the corresponding section. We use a bit for the whitelist/blacklist identification and 7 bits for the slotframe number. 13 13 13 13
draft-ietf-6tisch-6top-sf0 Ticket 59: Cell relocation We need performance evaluation for the current algorithm to support the “PDR 20% less than the average of the rest of the allocated cells” value. Ticket 52: Whitelist/Blacklist Enhanced the explanation for this item on the text. 14 14 14 14
draft-ietf-6tisch-6top-sf0 Ticket 54: Bandwidth -> Cells There should be no more references to bandwidth on the draft. Changed the Bandwidth Estimation Algorithm to the Cell Estimation Algorithm. There is no more mapping to the number of cells according to PDR, now both algorithms run independently. 15 15 15 15
see dedicated slides
draft-richardson-6tisch-dtsecurity-secure-join Michael Richardson Your Name HERE! 18
Status Goal: securing the join process News: Next: Aligning as much as possible with ANIMA and NETCONF WG, while adapting to limits of constrained devices and networks News: dtsecurity-secure-join-01 posted last week. Draft-richardson-6lo-ra-in-ie posted last week: discussion says do not make a general mechanism, but an RA specific mechanism, and that this work is within the 6tisch charter. To be revised ASAP. Also contribution: draft-vucinic-6tisch-minimal-security-00 Next: New meeting: Nov 8 meeting to include discussion of vucinic-6tisch-minimal-security 19
Getting organized for IETF 97
Proposed Agenda IETF 97 Administrivia [5min] Agenda bashing Approval minutes from last meeting IETF news and charter status (chairs) [5min] On Drafts: minimal, 6LoRH, 802.15 IE Vs. Milestones draft-ietf-6tisch-6top-protocol-03 (authors) [15min] draft-ietf-6tisch-6top-sf0-02 (authors) [15min] draft-vucinic-6tisch-minimal-security-00 (Malisa) [15min] draft-richardson-6tisch-dtsecurity-secure-join-01 (Michael) [20min] draft-satish-6tisch-6top-sf1-02 (Satish) [QS] AOB [2min] 21 21 21 21 21
Milestones Apr 2016 - Second submission of draft-ietf-6tisch-minimal to the IESG Apr 2016 - WG call to adopt draft-ietf-6tisch-6top-sf0 Apr 2016 - WG call to adopt draft-ietf-6tisch-6top-sublayer Jul 2016 - ETSI 6TiSCH #3 plugtests Dec 2016 - Initial submission of draft-ietf-6tisch-6top-protocol to the IESG Dec 2016 - Initial submission of draft-ietf-6tisch-6top-sf0 to the IESG Dec 2016 - Evaluate WG progress, propose new charter to the IESG Apr 2017 - Initial submission of 6TiSCH terminology to the IESG Apr 2017 - Initial submission of 6TiSCH architecture to the IESG Dec 2017 - 6TiSCH architecture and terminology in RFC publication queue
Thank you!