biography of benjamin Franklin Michael Ms.Weinberg and Ms.Suarez 4th grade
Ben Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts. Ben was born in 1706 Ben Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts. Ben was born in 1706. He went to school until 10 years old. Ben had a job. He made candles and soap with his dad.
He and James worked together. He was a printer He and James worked together. He was a printer. Ben did not get along with James. James was Ben’s brother. Ben went away from James to Philadelphia.
Ben had a job in Philadelphia. He worked on a newspaper Ben had a job in Philadelphia. He worked on a newspaper. In Philadelphia he did four things. He started a library, school, hospital, and fire department.
The Declaration of Independence was written in the year 1776 The Declaration of Independence was written in the year 1776. Ben signed it. America won the war with England. Ben asked France to help win the war. The Constitution was written. Ben signed the Constitution. A Constitution is laws and plan for government.
Ben died when he was 84 years old Ben died when he was 84 years old . I like Ben Franklin because I like the Constitution.
Bibliography Mara,Wil. Benjamin Franklin Revised Edition. Canada: Children Press, 2007.