Welcome to Buckstone Primary Starting School Primary One
The First Few Days Two primary one classes Penguins – Mrs Bailey and Mrs Munro Starfish – Miss McGhee and Mrs Conlin Wednesday 16th August and Thursday 17th August Mornings 9.00 - 11.30am - altogether Friday 18th August 8.45am – 12.15pm – altogether Week beginning Monday 21st August: full days
The First Few Days Emphasis on - Having fun! - Settling in, Getting to know each other, Making friends Personal Organisation Familiarisation with the school environment Establishing routines Introduction to simple rules
The Cluster Transition Project The First Few Days The Cluster Transition Project All cluster and private nurseries are involved Activities happening in nursery and transferred to P1 Activities continue in P1 during the first few weeks Focus on new situations, making friends, sharing, kindness and being helpful Children are asked to create a memory box during the summer to share with their P1 classmates in August.
Things your child will need School Uniform – school sweatshirt, white polo shirt, black/ grey trousers, shorts or skirt, summer gingham dress Indoor shoes – plimsoles, with Velcro preferably Gym kit – shorts and t-shirt in drawstring bag, use indoor shoes Water bottle Snack – healthy and no nuts please Purple book bag – provided by the school Please name everything
In preparation Before starting school please practise: Changing from outdoor shoes to indoor shoes and vice versa Changing clothes from school uniform to gym kit and vice versa Opening and closing their lunch box Opening and closing their water bottle Taking off and putting on their jacket including fastening buttons and zips
Parent Pay At Buckstone Primary, we use Parent Pay Online system to book lunches, pay for trips, milk etc Safe, secure way to pay for and track payments Need to activate your account – can set up notifications Lunches need to be ordered by midnight on a Wednesday for the following week Can order up to 121 days in advance If the deadline is missed, parents will have to provide a packed lunch as no orders can be added
Parent Pay Ask for consent to attend a particular event or trip Sometimes permission letters will still have to be issued Payments can be made as individual payments or you can add a larger amount from which payments are drawn down You can set Parent Pay to notify you if the account drops below a set amount Any difficulties, the office staff will be happy to help
Lunches Packed lunches School Dinners Your choice of food Easy to open lunch box or bag please Easy to open packaging No nuts please Juice or water Free for all P1-3 children Menu available in advance Menu booklet or online Choices made in advance Parent Pay Vegetarian option Allergen list for each meal
Health Care and First Aid Health Care Needs First Aid All Health Care Needs require a form to be completed Able to administer medication long term or short term Not able to hold Calpol ‘just in case’ Asthma sufferers require two inhalers in school Many staff First Aid trained All staff have had Allergy and Asthma Awareness training Medical Room available for minor injuries /illnesses Unwell / more serious injury – phone call home 48 hours for tummy bugs
Buckstone buddies Buddy system is very popular and a positive experience All Primary One children are allocated a P6 buddy Most have met their buddy before the summer holidays Buddies help the P1 pupils at play times and lunch times P6 children play with their buddy in the playground P6 children encourage friendships and playground games Any issues, please contact us
Looking ahead….. Primary One more like nursery Some children need more opportunities to play within a different environment Activities will promote early reading, writing and counting skills Early assessments used to indicate next steps Class teacher will target groups rather than whole class Greater focus on taking learning outdoors, being active
A wee reminder…. Wednesday 14th June at 9.30am - Teddy Bears Picnic with buddies Thursday 15th June at 11.30am – Trial lunches Monday 19th June at 9.30am – Playground Experience with buddies Tuesday 20th June at 9.30am – Meet the Teacher – all P1 pupils will meet their P1 teacher in their P1 classroom Monday 26th June – Meet the Teacher – new P1 pupils invited to meet their teacher in smaller groups
Other things to consider….. Parent Council Breakfast Club and After School Club Active Schools Programme
Any questions? And finally….. P1 Parents Curriculum Meeting Wednesday 13th September at 2pm