VOYAGER SCHOOL TRAVEL Voyager School Travel Educational tours - Language, Classics, Art, Music / Concert tours, History, R.E, Adventure. Europe & Worldwide Part of a group of companies, including Chateau de la Baudonniere Founded 1991, French Language Specialists, 5,000 British school children each year Experienced team 2 MD’s with 34 years between them
HEALTH & SAFETY SECURITY All accommodation audited for H&S Audited Safety Management System ABTA & ATOL bonded – financial security Assured members of School Travel Forum and accredited by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom
Day 1 Depart School Check in at Heathrow Airport for Virgin flight Flight departs for JFK
Day 2 The White House
Day 2 Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Day 2 Lincoln Memorial
Day 2 The Washington Monument
Day 3 The US Capitol Building
Day 3 The Jefferson Memorial
Day 3 Arlington Cemetery
Day 4 The Pentagon
Day 4 Federal Bureau of Investigation