Easy Book Production using Bloom Software SIL International Africa Area Ruth Obunyali
Introduction to Bloom Computer program developed by SIL-LEAD Easy Book Production Building Large collection of books in local languages Source collections allows books to be translated in other languages True Literacy takes many books to allow readers get enough practice.
Terms used in Bloom Collection: A number of books Vernacular collection: A number of books written/translated into a particular vernacular language A source collection: A collection that uses a national or regional language. The books and shell books are intended to be translated in a vernacular language (content need to be culturally appropriate) Basic book: the term book includes books as normally understood. They may include other publications such as wall calendar, charts etc We will focus on making a basic/regular book
Demonstration This is a demonstration on how Bloom works and will be followed by a training session. To install Bloom software go to http://bloomlibrary.org/installers/BloomInstaller.3.3.4.exe and install the software in your PC Bloom only works on a PC, and not a tablet. Bloom runs on Window 7 or later. It does not work on Windows XP. It does not run on Mac or Android. It only works on a PC. Bloom also requires .Net Framework 4.5. This a Microsoft product. It comes with Windows 8 or 10. If the participants have Windows 7, they may need to install it on their computer, if it has not been installed already. It also requires Art of Reading 3. That can be downloaded from the Bloom web site where they can also download the Bloom software. The version should be 3.5