Who was Mathew Brady?
Was Mathew Brady a Man? Or a Woman?
Mathew Brady
What was Mathew Brady’s job? soldier farmer photographer
He was a photographer!
Brady’s Studio
Floor Plan of Brady’s Studio
Where did Mathew Brady live? On a Farm In Washington DC In a tent
Mathew Brady or his employees took this photograph of The White House when Brady lived in Washington D.C.
Washington Monument in 1860
So, did Mathew Brady live in the past or in the present?
Another photographer during 1860’s
So…Why is Mathew Brady so important? Why are photographs so important?
He was “Mr. Lincoln’s Photographer”
His photographs teach us about history His photographs teach us about history. We can see what it was like during Lincoln’s time because of men like Mathew Brady.
3-2-1 Time! You will need to write: 3 things you learned about Mathew Brady 2 questions you still have about the lesson 1 reason Mathew Brady and photography are important. Good Luck!!